The Manifestation

We don’t always see answered prayers immediately. Sometimes, the Lord will give us a sign, but it takes a while for the manifestation to be seen. We received this testimony from a brother in Colombia who received his answer and has seen the manifestation over a period of time.

My wife had suffered with hyperthyroidism for over five years. We asked the Lord for her healing, without any answer from Him.

After three days of a terrible crisis and in the middle of terrible pain, the doctor sent her to be operated on. Later, the same doctor told us she could not be operated because she was not in proper physical condition for this.

I spoke to the Lord and asked Him to please heal her. When I entered her room and took her hands, we prayed together and the pain stopped. I remember I called the brothers at VGR at that time so they could pray for her.

During this time I started reading the message “Works Is Faith Expressed,” and I started understanding many things and felt blessed by this. I went to pray and I heard a voice that told me my wife would be healed. The voice even asked me how would I like to confirm that this would be done. I said that the rain would stop at that moment (it was pouring outside). I left the hospital and stood by its door. It was still raining, but when I went to the parking lot, it stopped raining completely.

I ran to tell my wife what had happened, and we prayed together. After a few days and through the weeks after that, she started gaining weight and feeling better. Today, a few problems remain but she is incredibly better and nothing compared to those days.

I do believe that Lord healed her and the complete recovery is just a matter of time.

Thank you brothers for your faithful prayers!

Brother Marco

Sogamoso, Colombia