
We received these two testimonies as feedback from the most recent “Letters From Prisoners” and “Too Busy” articles.

I feel so blessed to read these letters. How very much we take for granted! We have the Message books on our shelves and pick up other books to read that will "entertain" us. I have downloaded all the Message books onto my kindle, but if I am not careful, I spend more time reading other books. Not bad reads, just spending too much time reading them.

Satan is indeed slick at deceiving us into thinking it doesn't matter, but we need to remember that our eyes are the window to our soul.

May you all continue to grow in the Lord!

God Bless everyone at VOG.


It really moves someone, especially in the days that we're living when getting time with your Maker is a total devotion. My heart sinks in shame when I hear such testimonies, and my desire is to stand in the gap and make floor my nearest reach for my Maker. The distance between my knees and the floor is indeed the shortest distance to heaven and nearest solution to my life. I will devote myself to prayer and focus on the cross. Thank for your moving testimony.

God loves his children, so much that He helps us to make the time for Him even when we are busy. He didn’t want His child to lose out on that special time, when all the believers around the world are before His Throne of Grace.

Brother in Christ.
