Our office is receiving many calls in response to our radio program. A pastor of the Pentecostal church in Nsanje district just called. He is listening closely to the preaching of the prophet on the radio, something has been touching in his heart and he feels he can't wait any longer. He was requesting if he can bring all of his churches together and invite our VGR team to go and help them in additional to what they have already started to benefit from our program. I have told him to go ahead and organize some meetings, and that he will inform me when he is ready for our team to go.
A denominational pastor from Mozambique also called. He is one of our listeners in Mozambique and already something has started working in him. He was requesting if he can come to Malawi and visit our office for some Chichewa materials.
Absolutely, the radio program has given the denominations an opportunity to recognize the existence of VGR in Malawi, and also an opportunity to listen to the Voice Of God through His prophet Brother William Branham.
I thought I should share with you these highlights.
Thank you.
I would like to report that on Sunday I made a distribution trip into Mozambique.
I visited and distributed books to eight church centers. They were very happy to receive Chichewa books, and I also distributed four MP3 players and their Chichewa MP3 sets.
It was reported to me that one of the centers that I visited has about nine satellite churches but without books. My coming to them was the answer to their drought.
Our radio program is also reaching in these areas that I visited, and the program has brought joy unspeakable to our friends there.
Thank you very much and God bless you.
I would like to report that, since we displayed the tract stand and the banners in front of the office, we have already started receiving people coming for tract number 2 (The Mystery Of God). I am actually overwhelmed with the response that we have started to receive, and I was talking with brother Paul, that we need to be doing the displays probably once or twice a week.
Thank you sir.
Today we have displayed the tracts and the banners. The whole place is busy today with people being attracted inside by the banners. The impact is beyond my description, people are just flocking in to get tracts and already some are showing interest for more information and are promising to come back for more reading.
Thank you sir.
The program went on very well. Our local pastors that knew about the radio program were very much excited and they went to announce to their churches. While the program was on air, I kept receiving congratulatory messages on my mobile phone from believers that knew about it, and had gathered with their families to listen to the Voice Of God through His prophet, Brother William Branham.
A Roman Catholic family called and they said they gathered to listen to the program and that they enjoyed the preaching of the Message.
A Message pastor from the remote called me yesterday and he was appreciating the introduction of the program, and said, “It is his prayer that the program continues.”
I am very much encouraged with the responses that I am receiving. It will not benefit the denominational believers alone, but also our believers when they gather with their families like they did last weekend.
One pastor called me today, and he said, “I should tell all the pastors about the program so that their members should also know about these new developments.”
Thank you friend, we sincere appreciate Brother Joseph for his burden and God should bless him.
Mozambique shares boundaries with Malawi. During the Mozambican civil, war a sizeable chunk of the population from the provinces of Nyasa, Zambezia, and Tete fled into Malawi for refuge; while in Malawi children were born to them and further swelled up the population. They assimilated themselves into the Chewa culture and learnt Chichewa language.
Although the people understand oral Portuguese, they are not competent in written Portuguese. It is for this reason that they resort to reading Chichewa translated Message materials.
In these Provinces, a good number of End-Time Message churches exist, and over the years Voice Of God Recordings has been sending Message materials to these churches. Brother Des De Fortier of our Mozambique distribution office works tirelessly distributing Message materials throughout Mozambique.
For almost two years churches in Nyasa, Zambezia, and Tete provinces have been making requests to our Malawi Voice Of God Recordings office for Chichewa Message materials. Praise the Lord! When Brother Saidi (the author of this report) a manager for Voice Of God Recordings Malawi office, forwarded the request to Brother Joseph Branham, it was immediately approved.
The first distribution trip for Chichewa Message materials was Zambezia province; a distance of 1200km was covered. The roads are in a very bad shape. A certain section of 200kms took 6 hours of hard driving. These factors made the journey very challenging.
…the believers didn't mind waiting for their consignment even up to very late hours. They were very eager to receive their consignment of Chichewa Message books.

Other churches started tape listening services in their churches and some would not do so because they didn't have players. Six MP3 players with Chichewa MP3 CD's were randomly distributed. Tape listening in Africa is in line with the desire of the prophet of God, Brother William Branham.
“This is one of the highest moments of my life. I have waited fifteen years for this time. My heart has longed to see you again, ever since I left you. I have prayed very much, to get to come back. And a few weeks ago, I was under great anticipation, believing that I would get to come and have a meeting. But when I got the visa, "restricted," I almost had a heart attack. I wanted to come so bad!
But I still believe that, through God, I will minister again, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, among the people of Africa. God has promised to give us the desire of our heart, and that's one of the desires of my heart.”
65-0527 Africa (this sermon is inside 65-0711 Ashamed)
It was a blessing to complement the distribution efforts in Mozambique, and I was encouraged to see the joy that Chichewa Message materials brought to these souls in need.
God bless you all.
I would like to report that we had a very successful tape meeting over the weekend.
16 people were baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We also had 6 pastors that followed us to this meeting. They were all impressed and pledged their total support.
We had about 35 brothers and sisters that went with us from town, and a brother who is a businessman allowed us to use his minibus for the outreach. It was indeed handy. God should bless him for supporting us.
I am arranging to send to the newly converted an MP3 player for their tape listening. I just trust that they have electricity where they will be gathering.
Thank you for your prayers and God bless you.