We are so glad that our Lord did marvelous deeds in the first day of 2017 for we had wonderful 5th Message believer’s annual convention on New Year’s Day, 2017.
There were more than 300 people able to gather and 20 ministers from Peshawar city, Rawalpindi, Mir pur Khas and other areas of Pakistan. A few of the local pastors led in worship service and introducing the Message of the hour. The congregation was mightily blessed by the ministry of Word of God. At the end of the service, the host pastor asked the congregation how many people want to born again and baptize in the Name of Lord Jesus Christ on this New Year? By the grace of God eight people raised up their hands, so after the service we baptized them in the Name of Lord Jesus Christ. Praise and glory to our Lord! The Message of hour is converting the souls from mortality to immortality and lost souls are coming back to the original Word. Amen!

The Urdu speaking Bride is very thankful to have Message material in our national language, Urdu. The Message readers are increasing day by day and denominations are afraid by the Message of life, and they are planning to stop this end time Message. But we believe they cannot stop the Voice of God in these last days. Amen! As prophet said that all hell is against this Message.
A few denominational ministers visited our office to discuss about the Message of hour, so we shared the supernatural ministry of Brother Branham. Then they requested for Message material for their personal study, and they said we will visit again your office with more questions. We believe when the predestinated seed read the books of Brother Branham, then they are transformed into the Kingdom of God. Amen!

A sister and her brother visited our office this month. She said, "I heard about serpent’s seed from my teacher in school but I couldn’t get the book of Brother Branham about serpent’s seed. Then I searched the address of Voice of God recordings office, so I come here for the Message material." We told her and her brother about supernatural ministry of Brother Braham and about the Message of the hour then we gave them Message material and they received gladly. They are very much thankful and appreciated the Voice of God recordings for this great work in Pakistan and around the globe. We are greatly thanks God for the hungry and thirsty souls who are searching the original Word of God.

We are greatly and highly appreciated to you, Brother Joseph Branham, Brother Billy Paul, all the saints at the Voice of God recordings in Jeffersonville Indiana, and all the saints around the world supporting the ministry for your labor and love for the Bride of Lord JESUS Christ. May Lord Jesus Christ richly, abundantly, and exceedingly bless and reward each one of you for your hard work and labor in His kingdom.
Brother Shamoon Yaqoob
VGR Pakistan