Reverend Billy Graham

And a modern Billy Graham, like, come into this city here, and God's blessed him, and sent him out as a messenger to the denominational world. And he doesn't pull punches. He places it right in there. Such... He's got a grip on that Word of--of repentance like no man I know of, hardly, to hear him preach. Well, why? That's his ministry. That's what he's supposed to do. But that certainly represented what those Men had down in there in confirmation of their ministry.

62-0521 Convinced And Then Concerned

After all the efforts and successes Reverend Billy Graham has had in this world, the Lord saw it fit at this time to take His servant Home. William F. Graham was born November 7, 1918 on his father's dairy farm in Charlotte, North Carolina. In 1934, during revival meetings held by Baptist evangelist Mordecai F. Hamm, young Billy Graham gave his heart to the Lord at the age of 16.

In 1939 Billy Graham attended Florida Bible Institute, where he studied the Scriptures and was ordained a minister that same year. Later in 1943 he graduated from Wheaton College in Illinois and was married to fellow schoolmate Ruth McCue Bell.

Upon finishing college, Billy Graham ministered at the First Baptist Church in Western Springs, Illinois. He then joined an organization called Youth for Christ, designed for ministering to the youth and servicemen of World War II. Following the end of the war, young Billy Graham began preaching all over the United States and in Europe. It was 1949, in a Los Angeles crusade which lasted for more than eight weeks, that Billy Graham began to receive international recognition as a promising young evangelist.

Today our brother is known worldwide. His ministry has reached every corner of the earth, and there is no name better known among religious circles than Billy Graham. He has preached to some 210 million people from over 185 different countries. Billy Graham also founded The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association in 1950 which reaches millions through films, radio and television; as well as writing twenty-five books. Billy Graham truly was a witness to the world over.

As we know, Brother Graham was no less than an angel messenger sent from God to call souls to repentance. Brother Branham likened him and Oral Roberts to the Angels who went into Sodom to call Lot and his family out of that sinful place. We join the Christian world in thanking God that our brother was true to his calling.

Here are a few more quotes about Rev. Graham.

Notice now, Lot was down in Sodom. And two Angels went down into Sodom, to preach the Gospel, to call the righteous out from amongst the unbelieving. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."-Ed.] A modern Billy Graham. They didn't do many miracles; smote them blind, which, preaching the Word does smite the unbeliever blind. But a perfect, modern Billy Graham. And did you ever notice? Of all the great man we've had in the world, of preachers, since the days of Jesus Christ; Sankey, Moody, Finney, Calvin, Knox, so forth, on and on, and on and on, we've never had a man in there that ended his name with h-a-m, like Abraham, but G-r-a-h-a-m. But notice, six letters, G-r-a-h-a-m, six. A-b-r-a-h-a-m is seven. Never have we had it, but there is a messenger down in Sodom, "Come out of it." And God has sent the correct man, Billy Graham, calling them from Sodom. And they received the sign of the preaching of the Gospel. And they are getting It today, the world over, by the noted, precious brother, Billy Graham, with a message of salvation, and, "Get out of Sodom!" That's right. With his name ending, h-a-m, means "father of the peoples, or nations." But there was a Messenger, also, that stayed with Abraham, A-b-r-a-h-a-m. And notice, as He said, He give them a sign.

63-0627 Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday, Today, And Forever

"And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man. And as the days of Lot," when a modern Billy Graham and Oral Roberts went down into Sodom and preached to them Sodomites, and blinded their eyes, see, with the Gospel. One Angel stayed back, a Messenger with Abraham and the Elected group, and what kind of a sign did He do? See? And what did Abraham call Him? Elohim, God manifested in flesh. Jesus showing that He Himself, God in Him, will be manifested in His Bride in the last days! Oh, my, my! Just no end to it; just a revelation of God! It's Eternal, just keeps moving on and on and on.

63-0728 Christ Is The Mystery Of God Revealed

About the same time, a year or two ago, there was a great man passed through here by the name of Billy Graham: a glorious, wonderful servant of the Lord. He came into this city, and he roared out with a voice of judgment to you. He condemned your church goings and your cold formal conditions. He condemned your politics. He blasted it from one side to the other. Shreveport was very religious during that revival. He moved out there. Even to my friend, Brother Moore called me, said, "Brother Branham, I wish you'd come down and pray for the sick." Said, "Everything in Shreveport's become God-minded since that man has been here." Why'd you forget so quick?

54-0411 Thy Faith Has Saved Thee

The other day when I heard that our Brother Billy Graham had a kidney block, and was laying in the hospital or something in Germany and…?… courage… Said, "I'll preach if they have to pack me down there on a stretcher." I stopped my car. I was driving along the road, and I stopped my car and I said, "Dear God, move it off of the man, so he can go down there. He's Your servant, and he's there trying… We're all one big realm of Protestant believers. United we stand, and we must stand together in the power of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

54-0720a The Maniac Of Gadara

We might different. Billy might say, "I don't… Brother Branham, I don't believe your Divine healing." He might. That wouldn't make me think a bit less of him. He's my brother just the same. That's right. Some of the other brothers might say, "Brother Branham, I don't agree with you." That don't make any difference. We're all trying to see His lovely face. And we're human; we might different. If-if I was going to buy an automobile this afternoon, I might buy a different car from what Billy Graham would. He might argue his car, and I might argue mine, but we're both in cars; that's all necessary. So I think as long as we're in Christ. Amen. That's all…?…

54-0720a The Maniac Of Gadara

A few weeks ago I was in Karlsruhe, Germany. The church down there which is a some Zwingli, not a Lutheran, but they had… I went in. Billy Graham was there one night in Zurich, and I went in the next day. And my advertisement and Billy Graham's was setting together. Billy Graham has a place in my heart as a true servant of God. He preaches repentance, and he's doing a very fine job at it. God is using him; we know that.

56-0129 The Supernatural

See, the church in Zurich and Switzerland and Germany does not believe that Jesus is the Son of God. They say He's the son of Joseph called the Son of God. That knocks the very foundation from under Christianity. He was a virgin born Son of the living God. And Billy Graham never held any strings; he preached it that way. Yes, sir. And I knew I'd follow right up behind him.

56-0129 The Supernatural

Watch. To the church that was in Sodom in the world… Now, sometime this week, we're going to take the mark of the beast and the Seal of God. And watch how that started right in Eden, and come right out where Cain went out from the Presence of God to get his wife; how Seth stayed in the Presence of God and got his wife. How the churches different way, went out with their organizations to-going out with their organizations of system and got themself a-a church, a bride. And when the real true church stayed with God, perfectly…

Now, here's what taken place, when these Men went down there. And isn't it strange how He changed the name of Abraham from Abram to Abraham? And the Messenger went down there to preach to these people to bring them out, and in this last day the messenger that's sent to those Sodomites, and to call them people out of those places down there, is called G-r-a-h-a-m? Not B-i double l, y S-u-n-d-a-y, Sunday, but G-r-a-h-a-m: a messenger. Show me one ecclesiastical messenger stands in his place today. There's not nowhere on the earth to the Christian church, like Billy Graham. What's he doing? Screaming, "Come out of that thing. Separate yourself," with a word of justification, to call them out and separate them.

61-0423 Abraham And His Seed After Him

Then you see why we got our name on a missile hanging out yonder somewhere. You see where judgment stands. Notice. Sure we're doomed. There's the Billy Graham group down there, preaching to that "Lot come out of Sodom. Get out of Sodom. Get out of Sodom." Maybe the boy don't know it for all I know, or the man. I think he's about thirty-seven years old, or forty, no, about forty-four or some, forty-five. I don't know how Billy… Said, well, he's getting up somewhere in his forties. But anyhow, how the men, maybe, don't realize what it is. See? There he is. He's the messenger of the day to that church, not realizing he had to be called like that. How he's… Everything… You say, "how'd did that name have to do with it?" Why did He change Jacob's name? Why did He change all the rest of the names when they come to Him?

61-0423 Abraham And His Seed After Him

Notice, the Angel had changed Abram's name to Abraham, spelled A-b-r-a-m…?… A-b-r-a-h-a-m, giving him part of His Name: Abraham, Elohim, because he was to be father of nations, also. And never has the intellectual church down through the age, ever received a messenger that's been internationally known before, with a name ending h-a-m. See where it's at? Modern Billy Graham down in Sodom: "Come out of it." That's what Billy Graham's screaming. "Get out of it; the end's at hand." G-r-a-h-a-m, never in the history of the church, but this is it. Watch our Lord refer to it.

61-0516a Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday, Today, And Forever

As I've told you all this week, and laid it in close, and proved to you, about never in history have we ever had an evangelist on the field: Sankey, Moody, Knox, Calvin, to that cold formal church out there, to Lot churches out in Sodom, they never received the Holy Ghost and been born and come out of it. But out in there we've a wonderful messenger out there today by the name of Billy Graham: G-r-a-h-a-m, like Abra-ham. Get it? There's a church elected. There's… Look what kind of a message went down and preached to them, "Come out, come out, come out, come out." But what did this Man do up here? He just showed them a sign with His back turned to the tent. See? That was the church elected. Oh, don't be sleeping, friends. "Then awake ye saints of the Lord. Why slumber when the end is nearing? But get ready for that final call." And the call is on. Have faith.

62-0722 Show Us The Father And It Will Suffice Us

Look at Billy Graham, that great evangelist, out in Sodom there, blasting away, doing no miracles. But "Get out of here. Repent or perish." He cries. And listen, we've had great men down through the ages. We've had Moody, Wesley, Sankey, Finney, Knox, Calvin-all the way down. But never did we have a messenger to that church nominal that ended his name the same way Abraham was, to show that he was the seed of Abraham: G-r-a-h-a-m to the church nominal. We've had all kinds of names, but never that name. This is it. And now, there's a messenger sent to the church elected, Abraham. Watch what He did. He set up there, and He said, "Abraham…" Now, remember a day before, his name was Abram, and his wife's name was S-a-r-a-i, Sarai. Changed it to Sarah, S-a-r-a-h, and his name was Abram to Abraham.

62-0727 We Would See Jesus