Heavenly Meal

There are little congregations all over the world that have been started by Tapeboys going into the highways and byways, into prisons and shelters, introducing people to the Elijah of Malachi 4.

Like many believers around the world, the Durban team has a burden to find God's sheep. They visited a local homeless shelter where natural food is provided for those who are in need to feed their physical body. On this evening the menu changed a little, as there was a Heavenly meal prepared for whosoever will. The following is a report from Brother Steven Young, VGR Durban office manager. 

On Saturday evening, Brother Eli and I accompanied a few local brothers who had arranged to provide a meal for the residents of a homeless shelter in Durban.

They agreed for us join them and arranged for us to play a tape and hand out some books on the day.

The people were excited as they eagerly awaited their meals, but on this occasion something special was being served!

Our Lord Jesus, after being tempted by Satan to turn stones into bread, taught us that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeded from the mouth of God!

Furthermore, He was often found among the common people, like Lazarus the beggar, the woman at the well and many other individuals who were scoffed at by the scribes and Pharisees of the day, but the Bible tells us that the common people hear Him gladly!

Such was the case on Saturday, as we served up a Predestinated Voice, prophesied to be sounding out in the last days and revealing the Mystery of God!

This voice was sent by God to feed the many hungering souls around the world, not merely bread for the body, but every word is nourishment for our souls.

I was pleasantly surprised when one of the residents fetched his Bible and shared a portion of scripture with me, another man joined him with his Bible open as he sat down on one of the benches.

Many more joined us as Brother Branham continued his sermon, the people clapped their hands responding to the Word, and by the end of the service many were standing with their hands raised to God.

I trust that God will have His way with each one, and that His Word will find a resting place in their hearts.

I trust that these pictures will be a blessing to you!

God Bless

VGR Durban
