The Overcomer

How many of us will take a few minutes after reading this article and give thanks to our Lord Jesus for this young sister’s testimony? She has overcome great obstacles, and now she is an inspiration to thousands.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for being a part of the Message with me. Truly we are blessed to have each other, Brother Branham, Brother Joseph, and all that are involved in the Word.

The Lord has blessed me with a wonderful opportunity to grow this year and learn how to cope with the issues I've been dealing with. I'd like to share my testimony with you, and I hope it motivates anyone who can relate to me.

This year, I got in trouble with some friends of mine who were not the best of influences. We were doing things that were against the law and nearly got caught. When I realized I was close to facing jail time, I decided to turn my life over to the Lord and leave my “friends.” That wasn't so easy to do.

I began to feel depressed and dead inside, as well as apprehensive. I didn't want to change and leave my old life behind. A part of me wanted to keep risking everything and serve Satan. But Something inside me kept calling and screaming out. I heard a Voice. THE Voice. I heard THE Voice! I decided right then, in my tiny apartment in the middle of Indianapolis, to turn my life to the Lord.

I had heard about VGR via an old friend, but I wasn't a religious person at the time, so I ignored it all. Fast-forward to present day: I am letting my hair grow out, have joined an AA group, and I'm listening to those sweet and wonderful tapes every single minute I can. I have also helped several of my close friends and family members find God. And all because I listened to that still small Voice.

God bless you,

An anonymous and thankful sister

Indiana, USA

Our dear sister, there are thousands of people reading this article, and in one way or another, your testimony touches the heart of every single one. We know that it’s hard sometimes, but keep your faith in the Lord Jesus. He knows your name, where you live, what time you get up in the morning, what time you go to sleep at night, how the devil fights you, how you overcome, and He cares about it all! Don’t ever let the devil tell you differently.

Keep listening to those tapes, they will give you strength.

God bless you, our friend. There’s a lot of people praying for you!