Radio Land

Even the Words of Jesus Christ, that He spoke when He was here on earth, is passing right through this room. It never dies. How many knows that's scientifically the truth? [Congregation says, "Amen."-Ed.] Well, what is it? Then the Spirit picks up that Word that's been written, and makes It manifest. Oh, glory!

65-0119 The God Who Is Rich In Mercy

Dear friends, I have a wonderful testimony of the POWER of the TAPES. They are ALIVE and have an anointing that the prophet himself asked Father to send the "gospel witness of the resurrection of Jesus Christ" through "the ether waves of this radio" to heal those that are listening.

I woke up last night with a terrible headache. At one point I thought, "Hmm, this is so bad maybe should I go to the hospital." It was about 4:30 am, and instead, I put my earphones in and I just pushed play on the Quote Of The Day tape for ease, rather than search for a Message.

I fell asleep, and I woke up a little while later, still with the headache very painful. While Brother Branham was doing the prayer line, brothers and sisters, I heard Brother Branham say and do something I never heard him do on a tape. He was praying for someone in the prayer line and then decided to stop the prayer line and pray for people in radio land, and asked Father that Power of the Resurrection go through the "ether waves of this radio" and to heal all that's listening in.

Then he goes back to the prayer line.

May the healing power that was given to the church at the day of Pentecost come upon our brother as I lay hands on him in the confirmation that I believe that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Amen.

Are you believing? Let the radio land now… while we pray for the radio land…

O God, way out there in radio land, may the Holy Ghost come upon those people out there, and may the sick be healed everywhere. May they hear now; faith cometh by hearing. And may the Gospel witness of the resurrection of Jesus Christ come through the ether waves of this radio and heal all that's listening in that's sick. If they're in the barroom, pool room, wherever they may be, may they be healed just now from sin and sickness, in Jesus Christ's Name.

Now, we shall continue the prayer line.

59-0412e What Hearest Thou, Elijah?

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, and that I heard it just at that moment when I woke up. I just thanked the Lord. My headache immediately started to abate. I fell asleep and woke up without a headache and with a lasting joy that Father had Brother Branham see "way out" years later into radio land.

I actually believe he saw me, that was for ME. That he saw me with that headache while he was preaching that prayer line. Amen. I marveled at His perfect timing, that the day that this quote of the Quote Of The Day tape preached in 1959 was "randomly" selected for the website, would "happen" to be the day I have a severe headache, and woke up just at the moment the prophet stops a prayer line to pray for those in radio land listening, and then returns to the prayer line.

He is so PERFECT. The tapes to me ARE the Holy Spirit. They are my Token and my Absolute. And as if that weren't enough blessing, that the Lord cares for us right down to the detail of HOW we would be able to hear His Word "way out" in radio land.

"God's prophets make no mistake" -62-0531.
