What A Mighty God We Serve

The testimonies are endless of what the Lord has done for people while listening to the prophet or reading their Bibles. From answering serious questions to receiving healing, our mighty God is doing a wonderful thing among the believers of today. Here is another testimony of how the Lord is still using Brother Branham's voice to speak to His people. 

I would love to share a testimony of an experience I had with the Lord back in June of 2016.

I started to feel some pain in the area right under my left shoulder blade. Over the course of about three months the pain became worse.

In late August that same year, I had a doctor’s appointment for my liver because I have Hepatitis B, so I was due to have an x-ray for my liver that day. While the radiologists were doing my x-ray, they suddenly asked me if I had ever felt pain in the area near or under my left shoulder blade. When I said yes, they told me that I had a kidney stone and that if it got any bigger I would need to have surgery.

I went home that day after the appointment and gave the case completely over to God. Every night since I surrendered my life to the Lord, I fall asleep and wake up to Brother Branham’s messages, and every morning I wake up early at 4am to pray.

On the morning of January 9 of this year, as I woke up and was about to pray, I heard Brother Branham start to pray for the sick and this is what he said:

Right out at the end of there is another little colored lady sitting, looking, that just—just like to tore her to pieces. She is looking right at me. She believes it. That, don't you see that Thing right there by her? She is suffering with kidney trouble. That's right. It's all over now; He has healed you. Amen.

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As soon as he said that I answered in my heart, "Amen, Lord I believe, and thank you for my healing." Right after I said that, I felt the area where the pain was in go very cold as if someone had put an ice cube on it, and then the pain was gone.

Then within three days the pain came became much more worse than it was before. The devil kept trying to fight me by telling me that my healing was just a joke and that I was still sick. But I continued to believe and told the devil that he was a liar, and that the Lord had already healed me on Calvary’s tree, but he kept coming back.

Every time that he came back I repeated to him “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.”

In the month of February I was due to retake the x-ray, and this time it was for my liver and both of my kidneys. The results said that I had nothing in my kidneys and the doctors couldn’t even remember which kidney had previously held the stone. Not only did the Lord heal my kidneys, but the results also said that my liver was completely normal.

What a mighty God we serve! He always keeps his promises and never fails us!

Your sister in Christ, Ila
