God's Medicine Cabinet

And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God,

Luke 17:15

2017-2018 was a devastating flu season here in North America. In the United States alone, it’s estimated that 34 million people got the flu, with over 700,000 hospitalized. We've all had the flu and know that it simply needs to run its course. Some say you have the flu for seven days and others say you have it for a week, but we all know that there isn't a medicine in the world that makes it goes away instantaneously. That is, unless we dig into God's medicine cabinet. 

This sister knew exactly what medicine to take when she felt the oncoming epidemic. And now she is returning thanks to the Great Physician. 

On February the 14th, I woke up with a runny nose, and thinking it was just a common cold, I went about my day with the usual chores.

Around 2:30pm, I started feeling really worn out, so I put my baby in his bouncer and reclined on the couch for a few minutes. It was then that I felt the full force of the flu take a hold of me; I felt so cold and deathly. I began to panic because my baby was crying. I tried to pick him up, but my knees started to buckle under me and I knew I was going to faint. With what strength I had left, I asked my son to run and call my sister over. She lives a few houses down, so she was at my side in no time.

She took my temperature and found that I was running a fever. I asked her to pray for me. She and my 6-year-old son and her 4-year-old knelt down beside me and prayed. I then asked her to please put on a tape. She reached for my phone and pressed play on the tape I was listening to that week, “Thy Loving Kindness.”

The prayer line was playing, and I immediately felt a calm come over me. After a few discernments I accepted my healing, and I knew right there that it was all settled.

I told my sister to take my temperature again and to no surprise my fever was already gone. I then stood up and held my baby with perfect ease. Everyone knows that not even acetaminophen can lower your fever that fast, nor can any flu medication work in less that 24 hours; my God supplieth all my needs. And like my prophet says: "whatever you are, God's got the remedy in his big medicine cabinet." Just reach up and grab what you need. At the very end of that tape, Brother Branham said, "All right, lady, come right ahead now to testify to give God glory."

So here I am writing in my own testimony.

The Lord has given me a song that I would like to share with the Bride of Christ.

Quiet Time

Go in and shut the door This is not a public show Go beyond the veil He thought of you before When he made the world all alone He will meet you in that secret place One on one Grace grace grace

In that secret place You're being revealed to me In that secret place Just like you said it'll be In that secret place You're presence so real to me In that secret place We're making ready

When He fashioned me in secret Even before I was completed My name was written there He chose the way of simplicity Gave me ears to hear Him completely For it's Christ in me the hope of glory This shall forever be my testimony

In that secret place You're being revealed to me In that secret place Just like you said it'll be In that secret place You're presence so real to me In that secret place We're making ready