Water In The Desert

We rarely receive a testimony from the Communist country of Cuba. This is not because there are no believers there, but because of limited internet access and the government’s close eye on foreign influences, we shy away from posting public testimonies of our Cuban friends.

Even so, there is a great work going on in that country. The Bible tells us that “this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations…” and Cuba is no exception.

Here is a testimony we received from one of those hidden little groups.

The children of Israel were worried for a water shortage in the desert. They prayed to the Lord, and He sent them water. The Lord glorifies His Name even in the desert.

I live in a place where water is limited and this place turns into a desert in this season. The weather makes the trees wither and we need to use water with caution.

My neighbor believed this Message, and she wanted to be baptized. She didn’t put the value of the water over God’s Will. She filled a tank with water for the service of the Lord, and she decided to be born again, being immersed in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. What a victory!

God is sending water to the desert, and we don’t doubt as the children of Israel did, but we believe and we have faith that He will provide what we need.

Please receive greetings from the church of (name of the city), Cuba. Shalom.

