1 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
[Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit—Ed.] Knocking, trying to get back in the door, “Lo, I stand at the door, and knock; if any man will hear My Voice…” I’m glad you’ve heard, tonight. Now, I can only ask you to stand.
He’s looking at you. Jesus said, that, “Wherever two or three are assembled in My Name, there I am in the midst of them.” If that isn’t so, there’s no God; there’s no Bible; there’s no sunrise; there’s no sunset; there’s no flowers; there’s no tree; you’re really not here; you’re in a dream; life is not real; you’re not a human being. So, it’s impossible for that to be, so it’s impossible for Him not to be here. “And if you’ll ask anything in My Name, faith believing, He’ll grant it to you.”
63-0412e God Hiding Himself In Simplicity

Imagine what it would have meant to the Israelites to have the prophet Moses visit them in their homes and teach them about the Word. We can read in our Bibles about the select few, like Elijah and the widow woman or the Lord Jesus and Jairus, who were able to hear the prophet's voice with their own ears. But now, things are much different. For the first time in history, almost anyone in the world can have God's prophet speak to them in their very homes at any time they desire. It's an honor that only this generation can enjoy.
This family joined together on a Monday night to invite a special guest to their family altar. All he needs is your invitation, and you can rest assured that the greatest of all guests, the Lord Jesus, will be there too.
I just want to thank the Lord. We were having a home prayer meeting on Monday night listening to the tape, "The Oneness of Unity", preached in 1958. The tape was a mighty blessing; there was a mighty presence of the Holy Spirit in our midst. I was not feeling well, I had a sore and inflamed throat.
Heading towards the end of the message, the prophet instructed us to join our hands together and start to confess our sins before him. Then we repeated a prayer after him, and then he prayed for us.
After that prayer, he asked if we feel different in our bodies. I felt different straight away. That painful throat was gone, and most importantly the inflammation had gone.
And I also received another refilling of the Holy Ghost. Thanks be to the living God!
God bless you!