“Brother Billy”

Most of us are familiar with the Indian village far in the remote reaches of British Columbia, who was visited by Brother Branham while on a hunting trip. During the time Brother Branham was there, the mother was healed of heart trouble, and this has had a lasting impact on the family (Oscar, Rose, and Louise) even to this day.

A sister, who lives on the Alaskan Highway keeps in contact with the family. She sent us this testimony of how God is still meeting their needs and healing their sick, over 50 years later.

Sister Louise Novodorski (McDonald), a believer in this Message, asked me to send this testimony to VGR. Rose is a sister to Louise and Oscar, who both had their pictures taken with Brother Branham. Oscar is the Indian guide who lost his ponies, and Brother Branham told him that he would find them standing in the snow. They are natives that live on the Alaska Highway, where Brother Branham hunted with Brother Bud Southwick. This is also the location where Brother Branham killed the bear and the caribou with the 42" horns.

Brother Branham and Brother Oscar McDonald (brother to Rose and Louise)

Rose, in her late 70's, cannot speak English. She cannot read a book or understand a tape, but after Brother Branham was up there and their mother was healed, they believed Brother Branham to be a man of God.

Audio from 64-0614E The Oddball

We live 20 miles from them, and try to help them out when we can. Mark (my husband) stops every morning as he plows and sands the road. They live a very hard life: no power, no running water, no indoor plumbing, (only an outhouse). Our weather can get as low as -40 degrees F. They keep a fire going outside for roasting meat, and also to sit by. They have a house 20'x20' with a cook stove and two beds in it.

Rose was not feeling well this winter, with alot of pain. So we took her to town (140 miles away) to the hospital where they did tests, but they couldn't find a lot, so they sent her home three different times. The pain and discomfort was getting worse. It got so bad where she couldn't stand or walk; she was in a lot of pain. We took her back to town, and they did more tests, but still couldn't find anything, so they sent her to a bigger medical center, nine hours away. After two weeks of tests, they said she must have fallen a while back, because she had broken her pelvis in three places (we found out later that she did this when it first snowed and got icy, but she couldn't tell us, only "That it hurt all over." She is very tough).

Two nights before they sent Rose back to the hospital she said, “I sleep, dark, some one hit my leg.” (she hits my leg), “I wake up, look, no one!” Again, she said, “I sleep, some one hit leg, wake up, no one!” Rose continued to say, “The third time I wake up, up there, (she points to the roof) big light come down, went in head...oh feel so nice, down through me and out down there, (pelvis) go away...gone! No more pain, oh feel so good,” she said. The next day, she was up walking and saying, “Home, home.”

The doctors don't understand what happened, but they sent her home. We know that God is still the same yesterday, and today, and forever. Even though she can’t read a Message book or understand a tape, she believes God can still heal. I told her, "Many people prayed for Rose." She shook her head “yes” as the tears rolled down her withered cheeks.

Rose said these words, “In the hospital, Brother Billy come stand by my bed, lots, dark.” (I don't know when, but I know I gave her a picture of Brother Branham in his jeans and cowboy hat, and she calls him "Brother Billy.")

What an awesome God we serve!

Sister Irva

Alaska Hwy. Canada