Quiet Time

Don't forget Quiet Time on Saturday morning at 7:00AM eastern standard time. Quiet Time is every day, but there is something special about knowing there are tens of thousands of believers worshipping at the same time. It begins on each Saturday at 7:00AM in Jeffersonville, 4:00AM in Tucson, 12:00PM in London, 1:00PM in Harare, and 2:00PM in Moscow.

Here are few quotes about getting quiet before Him:

The trouble of it is today, the people don't have time to get before God and get still. They got so many things to do. They belong to this; they got to do this; they got to have this; they got to go there. You—you don't have time. The devil's just took up all your time. You don't have time to get still before God, get quiet.

Remember after all… You're a nature, and after all nature gets quiet and still, then the dew begins to fall, that refreshes and brings forth life. And you are a nature yourself. And when you get quiet and still before God, then the dew of Heaven begins to fall and begins to refresh.

56-0213 Hidden Life With Christ

Did you ever go out of a morning, after the night has past, early of a morning? Also it blossoms to give fragrance. And did you ever go early of a morning to the define the fragrance? You find out that early of a morning when you get out, the dew is hanging low, the trees are budding, the blossoms are coming up, and the perfume is… Go along the road and smell the honeysuckles, into the rose garden early of a morning. That's why, it's been quiet, nature has, through the night. It got quiet and God bathed it with refreshing.

That's what you need to do, is get away and get quiet before God, so He can bathe you with the refreshment from Heaven. Amen. Get alone to yourself; close the doors, pull them together, and say, "Now Lord, here I am in Your Presence."

56-0213 Hidden Life With Christ

Notice, also after it was refreshed, after it yielded, these blossoms had also yielded fruit. There's many people who's been Christians for years and never won another soul to Christ. They've never give a public testimony of their salvation in church or before people, or on the streets; they never testified to a sinner, woman or man in their work or somewhere. They can't yield fruit, why? They can't get quiet long enough. You got so many things to do.

56-0213 Hidden Life With Christ

That's where the trouble is today among the churches. God can't get them to stand still long enough. They're running here and running here, and chasing here and chasing there, and mission trotting, and church joining. Why don't you stop that and stand still a minute? When God was going to take His children through the Red Sea He made the Red Sea stand still. Why? He showed His power.

56-0611 Hear Ye Him

Oh, if we would only get quiet and alone with God (See?), how the dew would strengthen us, take the wilt out of us and make us fresh. Did you ever go into a rose garden early of a morning? Did you ever go into a honeysuckle bed early of a morning? And the whole air is just bathed with fragrance. Oh, how I love that.

Down in my part of the country in Indiana, I'd get up early and turn on the switch key and get out somewhere where the locust, or the honeysuckles, when they're blooming. And I just set by the side of the road and just… Oh, how I just love to smell it, and to look at it, and see those little honeysuckles standing up.

I said, "O God, in the run of the day and in the run of the days, if I get all wilty and indifferent, let me lay in Your Presence in the quietness, alone with You. Then I come out fresh again." Oh, my. That's what God wants to do. With a fragrance of prayer all over us, covered by the Blood of the Lord Jesus. How fresh we are before the Angels then. How fresh we are in the Presence of God.

56-1002E Elisha The Prophet

You say, "I'd like to believe, Brother Branham. I wished I could believe. I wished I could do certain things." But you can't. Why? You don't get quiet long enough. You don't get into a place to where the—the doubts are all gone. When you enter into the place where the doubts have passed away, then you'll be free and you can hear the voice of God speaking, "Child of Mine, I am your Saviour. Child of Mine, I am your Healer. You don't have to do these things. I died that you might be free." But as long as you're down here in this vibration, mixed up with all kinds of voices, just whirl away from all of them.

58-1005M Hear His Voice

The insane institutions are filling up. The hospitals are filling up. And juvenile crime is on the rampage. And we're living in a terrible time. And men are trying to drink it away with whiskey, or they're trying to play it off with cards, or laugh it off with a joke. But what we need is a juniper tree—place where we can get quiet before God.

59-0609 What Hearest Thou, Elijah?

Isn't it beautiful when you can really anchor your soul into Christ, in such a place till you can get quiet before Him? And hear His Voice speaking to you, "I'm the Lord that healeth thee. I'm the Lord that giveth thee Eternal Life. I love thee. I knowed thee before the foundation of the world. I put thy name upon the Book, thou art Mine. Fear not, it's Me. Don't be afraid, I'm with you." Then I sing:

I've anchored my soul in a haven of rest,
I'll sail the wild seas no more;
The tempest may sweep o'er the wild, stormy deep;
But in Jesus I'm safe evermore.

60-1204E The Patmos Vision