Cameroon Distribution

We received the following report from Brother Tabe Stanley Enow, VGR distributor in the African country of Cameroon.

The following is a summary of the distribution of the microSD cards in the English zone of Cameroon.

This has been one of the distributions that brought great joy into the heart of many believers in this area. The people were blessed to know that VGR had not abandoned them in these hard times, but remembered their needs.

Our first missionary work took place in the city of Bamenda, which is about six hours in a bus from our city. Here we do not have proper communication, because our phones were off due to no electricity for two weeks to charge our phones. Unfortunately, many did not benefit because we were not able to get the word out without phones.

The following day, we moved to Fundong to meet the believers there for distribution. This was far better than the previous stop because of the presence of Bro. Isaiah Fonayzi Chad, who is the former VGR librarian in Kumba. At Fundong I saw Bro. Tohmukum Emmanuel who was born in 1915, making him 105 years old. He entered into the distribution house to get his own SD card.

We also met with the divisional officer in the area. He controls all the military and inhabitants of the area. This is a man who loves the prophet so much and loves to read and listen to him. He was not able to come to our meeting because of his work, but pleaded that we should pass through his house and give him a copy of the SD card, which we did. The believers here financially support the library to support the VGR work.

At the next stop, we distributed more than 135 SD cards, even with the government shutdown because of the Coronavirus. We did not know what to do and while in prayer, the Lord laid in my heart that the distribution should go on but the venue should be changed. We did just that, and all went through successfully.

We then informed the brethren in Buea, Tiko, Limbe, and Mutengene to assemble at the Mutengene church. At this time our SD cards stock was already very low. We had 25 to distribute in that area, and the number that came to collect was 71. We promised to send more to those who did not receive a card. It was a blessing to see some surrender their cards to others, and then they offered to wait for us to send them a card.

In all the distribution points, we took some time to explain about the VGR policies to the brethren. This is the first time that many has caught the vision and are ready to work with VGR. We were able to get much information, especially that many of the books are worn out and they request we replace them with Agapao Tablets.

There was also a ministers meeting organized by VGR office in Kumba, which brought about 30 ministers from all the English zone. Some ministers traveled two days spending 50,000frs which is 100 US dollars just to be present. We saw God’s hand, for such meeting has never taken place before. Some did not come because of war in their area but promise to be with us in the spirit. There are some areas that war goes on every day, which hinders the brethren to meet with us.

Some that took the risk to come, we gave them some SD cards to carry to the believers in their area, and after the distribution, they forwarded to us the names pictures of the beneficiaries which I also forward to you. I am also pleased to report that 29 pastors and churches made offerings to the work, which totaled $227.

God was really with us throughout the distribution, and for the very first time, we saw many even in this wartime freely contributing to the work of God. I told them that a letter of acknowledgment will be sent to them by Brother Joseph.

Below are pictures concerning our trips to different area.

Greet Brother Joseph, all the VGR staff, and those who made offerings to help in this work for us. We appreciate all that VGR is doing for us.

Bro. Tabe Stanley Enow

VGR, Kumba

Kumba, Cameroon
