
Quote from 56-0826 Divine Love

We all know the story of the lady in Memphis who, in her time of despair, had a dream about the “parson” stopping by her house. Brother Branham told her about his gift for healing, but she wasn’t interested in that. Her greatest desire was to hear her beloved son give his heart to the Lord Jesus and be sealed into the Kingdom of God. That is the greatest desire for all Christian parents.

What does Eternal Life mean to us? The prophet Paul told us, “…Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.”

So, what is more important, that we receive Eternal Life or that our bodies are healed? The most important thing in this world is to fully accept the Lord Jesus as our Saviour and be sealed by the Holy Ghost. Once we have done that, then we never have to worry about anything as long as we live. James said, “For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.” Yes, the Lord heals our bodies, but if He tarries, then we will get sick again and like a vapor, vanish away. Our health will ultimately fail, but we have another body waiting that will never get sick, never sin, and never die!

The following is a testimony from a brother in South Africa who met with a family very similar to the sister in Memphis. Even though this story ended with the passing of their daughter, they can rejoice that they have a promise to see her again.

I thought of starting with the wonderful testimony of Maderyna who died of HIV. She was the daughter of the faithful believing Brother and Sister Assegaai. She caused great pain in their lives. After years of unclean living, the dreadful sickness caught up with her.

Her mother had to look after her. Daily she was carried to the step of the patio, to lie there during the summer day. She needed Grace to make her realize that she needed to reconcile with her family and with God.

One Friday the Lord appeared to me in my room urging me to go to her. I took with me my half-miler to serve as speakers. When I got there she was again lying on the step with family sitting with her. I talked to her about our Lord and His Purpose with us. I played the Quote of The Day to her via my phone and shortly talked about what Brother Branham said. After a short prayer, I left. The following day (Saturday) her mother, Sister Martha, phoned me.

She excitedly told me the good news. After I left, Maderyna reconciled with the family asking forgiveness for her unclean life. She also wanted to see me. I rushed over. With peace in her face, she made known of her reconciliation with Jesus and that she wished to be baptized. The next day she was ready and waiting for us, sitting on her bed with a Spoken Word Book in her hands. We baptized her that day in their bathtub.


I went back to Cape Town. Monday or Tuesday I got a call that something happened she could never do. She raised up and walked to the bathroom by herself. Two days after that she died.

She was buried 200 km from Upington in a small town. Because of her death a door for the Message opened in that place.

Praise God

Brother Bernard

What greater gift could these parents receive than knowing that their wayward daughter is safely in the Presence of the Lord? Not only is the family rejoicing, but the whole community has witnessed the never-failing love of Jesus Christ.