On September 28, 2011, President Barack Obama made the following statement about Brother Youcef Nadarkhani, an Iranian believer who was facing prison or death for his Christian beliefs:
The United States condemns the conviction of Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani. Pastor Nadarkhani has done nothing more than maintain his devout faith, which is a universal right for all people. That the Iranian authorities would try to force him to renounce that faith violates the religious values they claim to defend, crosses all bounds of decency, and breaches Iran's own international obligations.
Our brother, along with several other devout Iranian believers, is again under fire for his religious beliefs. Their crimes? Being Christians. These dear people only desire to live their lives according to the Bible, unmolested and in peace. They have found faith through the Message of the hour and are being condemned for distributing VGR books to their churches, families, and friends.
The Iranian constitution states: "the investigation of individuals' beliefs is forbidden" and "no one may be molested or taken to task simply for holding a certain belief…" There is one reason for this persecution: they are Christian. The Iranian government is again attempting to force these brothers to recant their faith, and go against everything they hold dear. Most of them have wives and children, who will have no way to provide for themselves if their father and bread winner is removed from the family. They now face 10 years in prison or worse for their beliefs. The main charge from authorities is "apostasy," which could carry the death penalty.
We know of at least eight brothers who face prison time: Brothers Amin Khaki, Bijan Haghighi, Zaman Fadahi, Yaser Mosayeb Zadeh, Mohammed Reza Omidi, Masoud Rezai (has been in prison for the past four years, but released two days ago), Mohammed Vahid Roghangir (has been in prison for the past five years), and Youcef Nardarkhani.
Brother Amin Khaki is a pastor in the city of Kardj. Has been imprisoned before and was recently threatened to go back to jail if he does not collaborate. He is married and has an infant son.
Brother Bijan Haghighi has been in prison in Shiraz for two years. He has a 10-year-old son who is chronically ill.
Brother Zaman Fadahi (left) is a deacon in Brother Youcef's church. He is married, with a teenager daughter. Brother Youcef (left-center) is the pastor of a church Racht. He has two teenage boys. Brother Yaser Mosayeb Zadeh (right-center) is a deacon in Brother Youcef's church. He is married but has no children. Brother Mohammed Reza Omidi (right) is also a deacon in Brother Youcef's church. He is married and has a teenager daughter.
Brother Masoud Rezai (left) is a deacon in a church in Shiraz. He has been in prison for four years (released on July 4), is married, and has a son and daughter. Brother Vahid Roghangir has been in prison for five years. He is the pastor of a church in Shiraz.
None of these men have ought against the Iranian government. They simply ask that they be allowed to practice their faith in peace and dignity. It is a noble request that all mankind should be given, no matter their country.
The Word shows us that prayer is the most powerful force put into the hands of mankind. Please go to prayer for these dear brothers and their families.
We also appreciate any help from government leaders around the world who are willing to present these brothers' cases to the Iranian government.