At Thy Word

Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

Matthew 4:4

It may be something as simple as bowing your head, but every act of obedience in our lives will not be overlooked. This sister is a testimony to that. 

I have been very sick, being diagnosed with MS (multiple sclerosis). It has affected my vision, distorting it, and losing all vision through my right eye except for some small dots of light and color.

Sunday evening, I was unable to attend church. I set outside in the back yard with my husband, listening to "It Behooveth Us To Fulfill All Righteousness," the same Message they were playing in Jeffersonville and my local church.

At the end of the tape, Brother Branham asked the congregation to bow their heads and close their eyes. IMMEDIATELY as I raised my head and opened my eyes, I could see the sky, trees, and lawn at least 50% better! And my vision has been improving every day since. My doctors told me the Friday before that they didn’t know if my vision would ever improve. BUT I KNEW IT WOULD.

We received a follow-up email five days later from this same sister.

This is an update on a previous testimony about the Lord healing my vision. Yesterday, July 24th, I woke up with zero blind spots in my vision. I covered my left eye and could read just as good with my right eye as with my left. The ophthalmologist, after reading the MRI report from the neurologist, told me "my vision might never improve." Then after it did, she told me, “Your right eye will never be your good eye." I appreciate them letting me know their limitations, but my God is a creator!

Sister Esther