Christ Is Revealed In His Own Word

Education can't save the world. Politics can't save the world. Our only salvation comes from Jesus Christ, and He is revealed in His Own Word. Here are a few highlights from the sermon Brother Branham preached Sunday morning, 50 years ago. 

1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,

2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high:

Hebrews 1:1-3

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:1

But, an old lingering debt that you could be paying on, pay it off. See? Now, don’t go with anything hanging on you like that.

“Remember, Satan’s got a punch coming at you.” Don’t care who you are, God...He’s got a right for that one punch. Which had you rather be, that punch; be blind, or be an arthritic setting in a chair, or be nervous? See? He’s got somewhere he can punch you. He’s got a right to that open place. Now, that’s the spot you got to keep covered all the time.

Men will be so insane, after a while, till they’ll imagine they’re seeing ants the size of a mountain. It’ll be tormenting women; be locusts come upon the earth, with long hair, to torment women who cut theirs off.

Today, so confused about the evidence of the Holy Ghost, and so forth. Satan can impersonate any kind of a gift that God has got, but he cannot bring that Word, Word by Word.

Now the same thing is this. If you are a son of God, and if I am a son of God, or a daughter of God, we were in God at the beginning.

Therefore, if the churches would see that and could believe it in that manner, it wouldn’t be one trying to jerk the football away from the other fellow when he’s running with it. He would be protecting that one.

But not one Word in the Bible contradicts the other. Not one prophet ever contradicted the other one. They was, every one, perfect. And when one come in and did prophesy, and that real prophet raised up and called him down, then it was made manifest. See? See? So the Bible is the Word of God, to all true believers.

You’re going to find out, one of these days, that when you go to Heaven, you don’t fly off somewhere else. You’re still right here, too, just in another dimension faster than this.

Why, after a while, the Church, when It can stay in that place, and every seed has been brought to its spot, they’ll be gone.

Now, you must not misinterpret the Word.

And you must not misplace the Word.

And you must not dislocate the Word.

If anybody misinterpret Jesus Christ in the Bible, of not being God Himself, make Him the second Person, or one God out of three, this would upset every Word in the entire Bible.

Going to head up in the god of this world, where they’ll throne Satan himself, thinking that they’re having a great world leader to bring them peace.

There has nothing ever been like it, or will be hereafter. See? The_the thing that’s the matter with the Message today, is, those who obtain It in their hearts must lay in the Presence of the Son, to get ripened.

By foreknowledge, He predestinated His prophet. And when the age arrived, He had His prophet arrive at the same time, and inspired him as He wrote the Bible by him.

Not even one punctuation, one expression, anything, shall ever fail in the Word of God. It can’t fail, because It’s God, God manifested in a form of a human flesh. For, it’s God Himself in letter form, prophet form, manifested in flesh.

Those prophets when they were anointed with the Spirit of God, and brought exactly the Word of God, then they were gods. It was God’s Word speaking through them.

So, education, schooling, seminaries, and things, is absolutely contrary to the will of God. The whole educational system is contrary to God. Everything teaches away from God, all the time.

God speaking, Himself, through the prophets. See, they, they’re absolutely... It isn’t the prophets; it was God.

You want to keep God’s law so perfect. No matter what it is, you want to be just what If_if God needs a doormat at the door, He wants you to be that doormat, you’re so happy to be that. No matter what it would be, you want to be the doormat.

Then you’ll find out what that man and them people have been dreaming about, and all these things there, it’ll come to pass; see, you’ll notice what them revealed, that great Thunder a coming forth out of the_out of the skies. Now, of course, the whole bunch of you, you know that I know what that-what that means, you see. And, but let’s just wait till the time comes, you see, for it to be, see, now, and it’ll be more in season.

Now, that Man was Elohim. That was God; and Jesus is God. And God was revealed potentially right there for a few moments, to talk to Abraham, in the investigation judgment. Just for a little bit, the Son of man was revealed; the Son of man, Elohim. Do you see it, church?

Jubilee Tape Quiz

65-0822M Christ Is Revealed In His Own Word


65-0822M Christus Word Geopenbaar In Sy Eie Woord


65-0822M Si Cristo Nadayag Diha Sa Kaugalingon Niyang Pulong


65-0822M Khristu Akuwululidwa Mu Mawu Ake Omwe


65-0822M 基督显现在他自己的道里


65-0822M Kris Ki Revele Nan Pwòp Pawòl Li


65-0822M Khristu Wakuvumbukwa Mu Mazgu Ghakhe Yekha


65-0822M Christ est révélé dans Sa propre Parole


65-0822M Christus ist in Seinem Eigenen Wort geoffenbart


65-0822M मसीह अपने स्वयं के वचन में प्रकट हुआ


65-0822M Krisztus Az Ő Saját Igéjében Van Kijelentve


65-0822M Kristus Dinyatakan Di Dalam Firman-Nya Sendiri


65-0822M Cristo È Rivelato Nella Sua Stessa Parola


65-0822M ព្រះគ្រីស្ទបង្ហាញអង្គទ្រង់ក្នុងព្រះបន្ទូលទ្រង់ផ្ទាល់


65-0822M Klisto Me Monisama Na Kati Ya Ndinga Ya Yandi Mosi


65-0822M 자신의 말씀 안에서 계시되는 그리스도


65-0822M Kreste Upatululwa Mwa Linzwi La Hae Tota


65-0822M Kristy Dia Voambara Ao Amin’Ny Teniny Manokana


65-0822M ക്രിസ്തു തന്റെ വചനത്തിൽ സ്വയം വെളിപ്പെട്ടിരിക്കുന്നു


65-0822M ख्रीष्ट आफ्नै वचनमा प्रकट हुनुभयो


65-0822M Kriste O Utollwa Ka Lentšung La Gagwe Mong


65-0822M ଖ୍ରୀଷ୍ଟ ଆପଣା ବାକ୍ୟ ଦ୍ୱାରା ପ୍ରକାଶିତ ହୋଇଅଛନ୍ତି


65-0822M Kristus Okwa Hololwa MOndjovo Yaye Mwene


65-0822M Chrystus jest objawiony w Swoim własnym Słowie


65-0822M ਮਸੀਹ ਆਪਣੇ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਵਿੱਚ ਪ੍ਰਗਟ ਹੋਇਆ


65-0822M Cristos Este Descoperit În Propriul Lui Cuvânt


65-0822M Христос открыт в Своём Собственном Слове


65-0822M Kristu Anozarurwa MuShoko RaKe Omene


65-0822M Cristo Es Revelado En Su Propia Palabra


65-0822M Kreste O Senotswe Lentsweng La Hae Ka Sebele


65-0822M Khristu WeMbulwa EVini Lakhe Lucobo


65-0822M Kristo Amefunuliwa Katika Neno Lake Mwenyewe


65-0822M Si Cristo Ay Nahahayag Sa Kanyang Sariling Salita


65-0822M கிறிஸ்து தமது சொந்த வார்த்தையில் வெளிபடுகிறார்


65-0822M క్రీస్తు తన సొంత వాక్యమునందు బయలుపరచబడెను


65-0822M Kristo Ula Yubununwa Mu Ijwi Lyakwe Mwini


65-0822M Kreste U Paluxiwile Eritweni Ra Yena N’winyi


65-0822M Kristo U Dzumbululwa Kha Ipfi Ḽa Ene Muṋe


65-0822M Keresete O Senotswe Mo Lefokong Le E Leng La Gagwe


65-0822M Христос, об’явлений у Своєму Слові


65-0822M Đấng Christ Được Khải Thị Trong Chính Lời Ngài


65-0822M UKristu Utyhilwe ELizwini ElilelaKhe


65-0822M UKristu WeMbulwa EZwini laKhe Uqobo