Push Play

More and more, we are seeing the little right-facing triangle displayed as an encouragement for believers to remember to listen to the prophet by "pressing play." The most accepted definition of that symbol is as follows: "To identify the switch or switch position by means of which a normal run (e.g. of tape) is started in the indicated direction." Here's what it means in common language: "Press this button and something will start playing."

What's the history of that little button? Ironically, it first showed up on reel-to-reel tape players in the 1960's to show the direction that the tape would be playing. Two triangles together came to mean fast-forward, and a left-facing triangle meant re-wind. Over time, the symbol carried over to cassette tapes, CD players, DVD players, and eventually online videos. But the meaning never changed: Press (or push) this button and something will start playing.

This testimony from a sister in Indiana is a great example of how almost everything the Bride sees brings her thoughts right back to the Message of the hour. We hope that it brings a smile to your face; it sure did to us! 

I just wanted to share a little story of how the Lord encouraged me yesterday.

I was cooking in my kitchen like every other day, when I went to set the timer on my oven. I looked down and my oven was flashing PUSH PLAY!

I smiled when I realized even my oven was a tape girl!

Then the Lord confirmed that there are no coincidences. I looked down and I saw the recipe that I was making. The chef's last name was BRANHAM!

Sister Kellar

Every time you see that symbol, we hope that your mind will go back to the Word and what could be on the other side of that button you are about to push.