23 And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.
Deep in the inner parts of one of the most populated cities on earth, Mexico City, down into the alleys and through the backstreets, there is a group of Tape Boys about the Father’s business.
In this urban sprawl of 21 million, the brethren are shining the Light where many would not expect. Tape services are being held in a clinic that houses men struggling with the demon of alcohol and drugs.
Brother Israel Torres, who himself found deliverance from this same demon after 15 years, has a calling in his life to speak of the freedom that came to him at 3 am one morning lying on his living room floor. He's telling how God has sent a prophet, and of a Voice that has come in these last days providing a way of escape from the shackles that have wrapped around their lives.
It’s the Hope they never thought existed.

My name is Israel Olivar Torres, I live in Mexico City. I want to share my testimony; I was a drug addict and alcoholic, I tried all drugs.
For 15 years I was not able to overcome drug addiction. I visited many churches, I was in Alcoholics Anonymous, and nothing could help me overcome my drug addiction, brothers.
I remember one night, I was on drugs and came home around 3 am in the morning. I came into my living room, and I took a tape of William Branham, our prophet. I took that tape titled “Just Once More Lord” and brothers, I was able to identify myself with Samson that night.
During Brother Branham’s prayer, there came a powerful, genuine anointing into that room, and I received a total deliverance! I give thanks to God for that, and now I believe with all my heart that God has called me to be part of this ministry of the tapes.
I am not ashamed to be called a Tape Boy, and in our congregation, we play the tapes. Myself and a group of brothers get together and go play tapes at the AA groups and in reality, this is a live ministry.
We have seen people be saved, seen people be healed, seen people be delivered, by way of this tape ministry.
We give God thanks for the storehouse and for the leadership of our Brother Joseph. We believe that our life has been complete in seeing Brother Joseph behind the pulpit and even God placing in his heart which tape to play. His life has been a blessing to our congregation.
May God bless you
Brother Israel
Mexico City, Mexico
More than likely, you can’t relate to this same darkness these men are trying to find their way out of, or maybe you can. But, one thing is for sure, every child of God can speak to a Power that reached down and lifted them from a life headed for a devil's hell. It’s the same power moving in that room in Mexico City and in the Bride around the world. Many of us call it the Love of God.
O God, project Your love to the lost tonight. Let them know what You did when You come here to the earth and died in their stead, was made ugly and made death for them. God made death, the immortal God humbled Himself in the womb of a woman to become death and sin, to take our ugliness and guiltiness away from us. Oh, it’s too much for my heart, Lord. I just can’t understand it. Why did You do it? How did You include me, poor, drunkard's boy, without God and without hope, and by grace You saved my soul?
And tonight the joy bells of heaven rings, if You come for me tonight, all right, Lord. I’m so happy for You, so happy that we can introduce to a dying, shaking world, under the impact of an atomic age, cobalt bombs, sin, but introduce a love that can never be stopped by any bomb or anything.
The love of God, oh, how rich how pure!
How fathomless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure,
Saints and angels song.