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March 2025

January 24, 1950
published on: 1.24.2018

68 years ago today was one of the most important days in history for the Bride of Jesus Christ.

Reformation Day
published on: 10.31.2017

The Bride is united under the Word, and by that same Word, we know our enemy.

VGR India
published on: 9.7.2017

Video interview with Brother Joel Paramanandam, office manager in Chennai, India.

The Great American Eclipse
published on: 8.18.2017

The last time this happened in the US was on June 13, 1257.

Who Backs Us?
published on: 7.12.2017

The testimony of Congressman Upshaw from a local newspaper.

Make Way For Liberty
published on: 6.28.2017

And today you can mention his name in Switzerland, and their eyes will color with tears...

A Bit of History: I’ll Stand For Him Now
published on: 5.31.2017

It's true; he wasn't perfect, but he stood for Me.

A Bit of History
published on: 4.27.2017

John Wycliffe

From The Archives: I Attend Another Branham Meeting
published on: 4.24.2017

Some saw God, others saw a man. They were both right.

The First Tape
published on: 4.12.2017

It’s a special day for believers around the world!