
My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.

Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.

For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.

Proverbs 4:20-22

Today, Sunday morning, Satan has been trying to keep my family and I from going to service, and I don't like to miss church. When the doors are open, my family needs to be at our place of duty in the house of the Lord.

My wife had been experiencing some severe stomach pains and had vomited. I had prayed over her, after which she tried to get prepared for the trip to church, but couldn't do it and went back to bed.

We were trusting the Lord that she would feel better for the evening service. I got on my computer, and thought I'd catch up on some of the articles I had missed reading here on the VGR website. I came upon this testimony and listened to the quote. Immediately Something inside of me told me to play it for my wife in bed.

I re-played the quote for her, had prayer rebuking Satan again, and claiming her healing, and went back to my computer. A few minutes later, she came to my office door looking better. Paraphrasing her, she said after I played the quote for her and had prayer, Something came over her and she started feeling better! Praise the Lord!

We might be a little late getting to church, but we're going to service! Must be a blessing there that Satan is trying to block us from.

Brother Kevin