Only Believe

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Hebrews 11:1

After receiving the devastating news that their unborn child would not make it, this family’s faith produced the evidence that the doctors said was impossible.

A few weeks back our daughter informed us she was pregnant. My wife and I were overjoyed, knowing that we would be grandparents. Two weeks ago she went for an ultra sound, and there was no heartbeat. They said not to worry because the baby was probably too small. Worry never entered our hearts, and we assured our daughter that the baby was fine and all was well.

A week later she began to hemorrhage. She drove herself to the ER and called me. I immediately told her to have faith, and not to worry. God was in control. When I arrived at the hospital ER all the family was there, including her in-laws in the waiting room. Though her in-laws are wonderful people, they do not believe as we do and I prayed that we could be alone. The Lord somehow moved them all from the room where we were, and we all began to hold hands and pray.

As I prayed I felt that wonderful presence of the Holy Spirit enter the room, and I know I heard my prophet say “ask what you will and don't doubt.” So I prayed that the life of the baby would be spared, and that our daughter would be spared, and that they both would be made perfectly whole.

As soon as I finished praying, we all raised our heads and were silent. The nurse came from a room and asked for our daughter. They took her back and we waited for hours. When they came to get my wife and I, they told us that she was having a miscarriage, and she would be complete in three days.

As soon as the nurse stepped outside of the room, I told my daughter that they can only speak what they think to be the case. We know that faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. My daughter said, “I know, Daddy.” What a wonderful feeling to have your daughter, whom you have trained in this Message and the Word, to look you in your face at that hour and say with all assurance, “I know, Daddy.” We bowed our heads and prayed, and believed that He was able to accomplish what He had started.

We sent her back to her doctor two days later, and the Lord Jesus who is so merciful to His children gave us wonderful news. Her doctor did an ultrasound and the bleeding had stopped, she found a heartbeat of 157 beats per minute, and said that the baby was larger than expected!

We serve a wonderful risen Saviour who is always on time, and hears the cries of His children. As I was praying that evening before going to bed, I had a wonderful impression come to me. Please don't think me strange, but I know as I prayed I heard Brother Branham's voice speak to me. The number 157 (beats per minute) the number 1 is (one God), the number 5 is (mercy, grace, and Jesus) and the number 7 is complete!

As I was praying, I became so overjoyed I could barely contain myself because I realized that He was telling me, “I, Jesus, the one and only true God with mercy and grace, have completely healed your daughter and unborn granddaughter.” I was so overjoyed and could hardly wait to share with my wife the next morning.

We serve a wonderful, true and living God who still hears the cries of His children and comes on the scene. We only have to ask, and to believe. I hope this testimony is a help to someone else in their daily struggles.

May the Lord Jesus richly bless you, as you have read this testimony.

Brother Pete