Childlike Faith

Just that simple. It's just that simple, faith is. And what I've taken these nights for, to speak on faith, is because people try to make faith complicated. It—it… God doesn't make it complicated, it's us that makes it complicated. We're going way out there, trying to get something way out there, and here it is right here by us, simple. If you've got faith enough to walk across that floor, you got faith enough for anything God promised. If you've got faith enough to raise up your hand, why, you—you've got faith enough for anything else. It's simple faith. Just apply it with the hyssop, that I've told you in the messages. Just take the Blood and by simple faith, just like you eat, drink, walk, drive your car, speak, or anything else, it's just that simple. But when, you go to thinking, "Oh, can I do it? Can I do it?" See? Then you're—you're going plumb away from the—the main thing. You've got to come back here to simple, childlike faith, just to believe God. Say, "God promised it. My possession. Christ died for it. And it's mine." And just go right ahead, and believe it, and don't think nothing else about it, just… It's all right. It's all over. And you'll get well.

60-0803 Abraham

It so easy to run right over the top of what faith is. Faith is common, like speaking, walking, or driving a car. Sometimes it takes the faith of a child to show us that the Kingdom of God is within us, and all we have to do is reach out and grab it.

This sister’s testimony is a good reminder to hear, recognize, and then act upon the Word of God just like this little girl did.

The other day my nine-year-old little girl came home from Creations class with a fever. The next day the fever continued, and at times it was over 102 degrees.

That night being Wednesday, we stayed home while her dad and brother went to the Branham Tabernacle. We decided to listen to the same tape that was playing at church that night. We had our own little service with prayer and songs, and then started the tape.

My little girl is usually pretty good during service, but does get distracted and needs to be reminded to follow along a few times during the message, but not this night. She listened intently, and followed along the entire time. At the end of the service Brother Branham prayed for the sick, and asked them to stand if they accepted it.

We both stood, and as soon as the service was over she said, "Well I'm healed," and ran off to play. Within minutes she was wrestling and jumping around like her usual self and hasn't slowed down since.

Praise the Lord!