Christmas Greetings

And may you, through this coming week, this Christmas yuletide, as everybody is happy and singing, one to another; may you, with arms…like Simeon of old, when that wonderful Christmastide, when he walked down through the temple, and with his strong arms, oh, picked up the Saviour in his arms and embraced Him, said, “Lord, let Thy servant depart in peace, according to Thy Word, for my eyes have seen Your salvation.” May you, with arms of faith, likewise, this Christmas, embrace not a Santa Claus, or not exchange a present; but may you invite and embrace in your heart, with arms of faith, the same Lord Jesus that Simeon held in his arms years ago. And He’ll bless you and give you Eternal Life. And you cannot perish, because you got the Life of God in you.

54-1219e - Acts Of The Holy Spirit