Little Soldiers

A group from Spoken Word Church in Hot Springs, AR sent us a report of a special week of training with their young soldiers.

Dear YF,

We had our VBS this 28th-29th of June. We were just getting in a little extra training for our little soldiers, and some not so little ones!

One of the things our teachers taught on was the importance of "pressing play" as part of our weapons against the devil. The teachers expressed how important it is to press play! As part of the “whole armor”, “press play and obey”, “defeat the devil and press play”, we also made a banner to go along with this theme. As you can see, there was lots of fun and imagination going on!

We also had a puppet named Chad, who loses his shackles by remembering what he read in the Bible and what he heard when he “pressed play.” Way to go Chad!

Then of course we had lots of singing, games, and good food!

Thanks to Brother Joseph for showing us the importance of pressing play for ourselves, as well as our children. Also, thanks for Still Waters! It was so wonderful to see some of our little and not so little soldiers in camp!

God bless you all.

Spoken Word Church

Hot Springs, AR
