There are a lot of priceless gems and nuggets of pure gold in this Message. We hope these little nuggets that have encouraged some of us here at VGR will give you the encouragement you need to keep pressing the battle and continue to dig in God’s Gold Mine!
Before the fire fell, Lot was out of Sodom. For, the Angel said, “I can't do nothing until you come hither. I've got the lever in my hand, to pull and make the fires fall from Heaven.” And I think that's exactly. The Angel of destruction is holding the hand of Russia, with the atomic bombs; until the Church comes together, and one great Body of Christ. “I can't do nothing till you come hither.” Oh, if that isn't a blessed assurance!
58-0309E Will The Church Go Before The Tribulation
When the true anointed of God speaks, it’s the Voice of God! To reject It is to remove the candlestick.
61-0108 Revelation, Chapter Four #3
Now, a righteous man is not a sinless man. For you notice, he said, “Elijah was a man subject to like passions as we are.” He had his ups and downs and his differences. And the Scripture of his life proves that he had his ups and downs like we do. And he had his times of wondering and his times that his temper got away from him, and he had a lot of things there that went wrong. But he was still a righteous man, because he confessed his unworthiness and believed in God. So that's what made him righteous.
53-1201 God’s Provided Way
It's—it's prayer that I depend on. That's the secret of all the mysteries of God. That's the key that opens the door to everything of God, is prayer. If you pray and believe, when you pray, then believe that you receive what you ask for, and God will make it known.
When looks like everything has gone wrong, God is giving you a trial. He's got confidence in you. He don't have to baby you around. You're not a hotbed plant, a hybrid. You're a real Christian. God is giving you a test, see what you'll do about it. Amen. No wonder Peter said, “These fiery trials, why, count it a joy. It's—it's more precious to you than gold.”
And many times we hum and haw, “Oh, well, if I just…” Well, that, well, that's something God give you, to overcome. He—He—He knows you'll do it. He, He's—He's put His trust in you.
Drink, gamble… A lot of places allow the kids to smoke in the church—or the school, just before semester, and so forth (Isn't that terrible?) to quieten their nerves. They ought to had a prayer meeting. That's the best thing I know to quieten your nerves.
56-0728 Making The Valley Full Of Ditches
And there's where Israel was judged because of their chiding, and disobedience, and interruption of the program of God: a very type of today. The church in its differences interrupts the program of God. God wants us to gather as a one heart, one soul, one mind, a real repeat of Pentecost.
Now, notice. Here it is! I want you to see it and get it now. The Word of God, written Word of God will defeat Satan anywhere, any place, any time. It's written. There it is.
50-0716 Believest Thou This
God is so holy, setting yonder in Eternity, when ten million suns would be black spots before Him.
And then He said, “Go and sin no more, or a worse thing come upon you.” So therefore, in order to obtain your healing, you'll have to become a Christian after you're healed. And I believe, I would say this, talking of the dual atonement, when you are healed, your sins are forgiven you. I didn't hear very many amens on that, but it's the truth. “Confess your faults one to another, and pray ye one for another, that you may be healed.”
50-0227 God In His People
Shame on you who profess to be a Christian and rely on such things for joy, when the Holy Ghost Gospel is nothing but one great big powerhouse of joy. The Holy Ghost Gospel is a perfect intoxication for every man that’s got the blues. You’ll take a drink of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, be filled with the Holy Ghost, you are drunk until you leave this world, amen, joy unspeakable and full of glory. There’s a constant stimulation. It’s a constant intoxication, drunk day and night! Amen. That’s the Word of God.
How can you have faith in your wife if you don't love her? That's in phileo. Now how about in agapao, to God? How can it be if you don't love God?If you said you loved your wife, and never tell her about it, and never set down and make love to her, expressed it to her, kiss her, hug her, and tell her she's the best cook in the country, all the things that you know, and how pretty she is, and how much you love her; if you don't do that, she'll never know it. That's the way. If you do love her, you express it.
That's the way we do to God. When we love Him, we tell Him about it. We set down and we adore Him, and worship Him. And, see, love drives us to that.
And we're thankful that you're out this afternoon, and we feel that somehow we just can't get enough of God. And there's something about the Gospel, and the Word of God, that we just simply can't seem to get enough of It. I believe you could... You might eat too much sometimes, and you might drink enough good cold water to make you sick, but I don't believe that a man could ever pray too much, or get too much of the love of God in his heart. That's just one thing that just doesn't seem to ever get enough, fill up. And I'm taught that when we eat... If we are used to eating small portions, our stomach shrinks to that portion. And if we eat much, our stomach stretches to that. And I think we need some spiritual stretching, and get much of the Word. Can't be satisfied with just reading a little verse once in a while, or something of that manner, but stretching our spiritual gastronomics...
57-0303A Why Is It That So Many Christians Find It So Hard To Live The Christian Life
And God always cause troubles, mostly always, to bring the people together. Did you know that?
I believe there'll be a time when there won't be any more division amongst the people of God, such as “I belong to this church, and I belong to that church.” I believe the persecution will run all the big ransomed Church of God together, and we'll be one in Christ Jesus. And then He will take her home.