Letting Off The Pressure

And then the nervous neurotic age that we’re living in! And you know, in all of this, the doctors don’t have the answer, ’cause they’re plagued with it, too. They don’t have the answer. They don’t know what to do. You say, “Oh, doctor, I—I—I’m just about to blow my head. I don’t know what to do. I…”

“Well,” he’d say, “I am too. Well, there is nothing you can do.” He would give you a tranquilizer. When that wears off, you’re more nervous than you was in the first place; like a drunk man, taking an extra drink, to get over his drunkenness. You see? So you—you can’t do it. There’s no answer. They don’t have it. But, God has the answer. That’s what we want to take, talk about, to have the answer. God has got the answer. He is the answer. Christ is the answer to every problem we got.

62-0513e Letting Off The Pressure

We all get discouraged. It may be at work, with our families, or more often, with ourselves. However, the Lord knows every situation. He knows when you wake up in the morning, the thoughts that cross your mind at work, and even what color shoes you are wearing. He knows everything, and He is still the Great Comforter. This brother from California was discouraged, and then he found out that the Lord Jesus knew all about it. Here is his testimony. 

Greetings in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is Saturday and only a few hours after the precious Quite Time we had around the world. I feel to worship the Lord by sharing a testimony.

I work as a supervisor and work with unbelievers. There devil is always in there to make my days very difficult and make me a miserable person. People have attitudes, they don’t get along, and some don’t work enough and play games. Others just complain about the pay, about policies, some think I have favorites and think I am not fair, and so on.

Also, I have to deal with my bosses and their demands. It got to the point I got “psychologically sick.” I’d get home and didn’t want to talk to anyone. I didn’t want to hear even the alert of a text message, I just wanted silence or I wanted to go to the mountains and never come back. Then, I started getting depressed and sad. As a supervisor, I noticed people needing to approach me constantly with questions and problems. They were legitimate problems, but also made up problems.

I could not tolerate the issues when they would come to me. It bothered me so much in the sense that I needed some relief, a break. Vacations, some time off, sure it helped a little, but I came back and it just continued to escalate, I started to lose motivation. I’d have my coffee with an espresso, or my multi vitamins and protein shake, and still feel no energy. I was not happy. I stopped helping the guys and basically was just doing the very minimum.

I don’t remember what sermon Brother Branham said that if you are not motivated, you would not be able to get up off the chair; that is absolutely the truth. No matter how many energy drinks of any type, how good you eat, if you are not motivated, you can’t get up off the chair, and one day I got to that point.

Problems were arising, emails about problems, guys getting behind, etc. Even one coworker noticed it and described to me how I look: as though I didn’t care. He just nailed it.

It was lunch time and I made an effort to get up and walk to clock out. Oh my! I was dragging my feet, walking as an old man can’t even advance with a walker. As I was approaching the clock, I started praying, “Lord, you know how I feel, and I don’t know what is going to happen.” I only knew I couldn’t take it anymore. Then I clocked out and opened the door towards the parking lot. I took about three steps and leaned against the wall. Feeling the sunlight from 10:30 in the morning, I closed my eyes and started praying. I said, “Lord Jesus help me! Heavenly Father, I need You!”

I don’t remember what else I prayed but it was not much. It was a quick prayer and it didn’t last more than 30 seconds. I closed my prayer, “in the Name of Jesus Christ, amen my God, amen Lord Jesus Christ, amen Almighty God, Amen Lord Jesus."

Astonishingly, EVEN before I finished the closing of my prayer I WAS DELIVERED!

Immediately, I opened the door and came back in with the motivation to work and lead by example (even worked through lunch). All that torment that lasted almost two years was gone in the blink of an eye. The same fellow that had described me before, told me the next day that I look totally a different person. Everyone was surprised seeing me working along, and I replied every time from the bottom of my heart, “Thank God, thank God.” The devils are constantly attacking, every single time, nonstop. They’re worse than a bunch of mosquitos in a hot summer day by the river. But if we commit it to Him, anything and everything, He will take care of you. No matter what it is, trust Him with ALL your heart.

Now I make sure I start my days with a good hour or so of prayer. Difficult guys have left, others have changed their attitude towards me.

I am not afraid of how many devils will be out there. I face every spirit in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ every day. Amen. Your brother in Christ.

