I would like to share this testimony to praise the Lord Jesus and to encourage His children. On a Saturday, one week before volunteering for Still Waters kitchen, a disc slipped in my back causing pain and discomfort. On that Monday, in the Quote of the Day, Brother Branham was talking about believing now and it might be a week before feeling better or receiving your healing.
If there's sin in your life, get it out. If there's condemnation, get it out. If there's doubt, get it out. Until you can see perfectly that it's God's will, it's God's plan, and you're included in that, then say, “Sickness, in the Name of Jesus Christ, get away from me.” And remember, you might not feel any better for a week. But as soon as you said that word, something happened. God has to keep His Word. That sickness shakes, and he begins to turn loose. He will go if you'll just believe it. Don't doubt. Like Peter walking on the water, He said, “Why did you doubt? Oh, ye of little faith.” Just because he was sinking, that had nothing to do with it. Christ had commanded him, and His Word was enough. That's the way we should think it too.
I believed that and kept thinking of God's promises for healing. I tried stretching, twisting, etc., but still same. The work week was busy and I did not have time to go see a chiropractor, and I wanted to trust the Lord. Wednesday at church, Brother Branham discerned a person with back trouble. I didn't feel the power of God but I believed.
You believe? You believe me with all your heart? You believe that I be able… If God will tell me exactly where your trouble is, knowing that we're strangers to each other, will you accept your healing right now, knowing that I'm telling you that Jesus Christ… If… In other words, if God will let me know where your trouble is, and exactly, absolutely, as It does every one, then you know that my words is true then, is that right? And my words is this, that Jesus healed you nineteen hundred years ago. Will you accept it now? It's your back, is that right? Go. In the Name of Jesus Christ, and be made well.
54-0304 Elijah And Elisha
Thursday morning, I still felt the same. I thought, "well maybe He wants me to see the chiropractor," knowing He uses them too. I just knew I needed to be at my best for helping at Still Waters. The two chiropractor's offices did not have any more openings the rest of the week. Thursday afternoon while working, I suddenly noticed I felt amazingly better.... say 90%. He touched me!
By Sunday, I was near perfect. Just what Brother Branham said on Monday's Quote of the Day, I received my healing a week later.
Brother Stephen Chambless