
We all get criticism of our beliefs at one time or another. The world condemns us for listening to this man’s sermons, over and over again. Why would we do such a thing?

To that question, we might respond, “What better thing could I do with my time than listening to someone talk about our Lord Jesus?” The skeptics’ argument is really ridiculous. The bottom line is that the Message of the hour introduces us to a Living Jesus Christ! How could that be criticized?

We hope you enjoy this brother’s encouragement.

Hi my precious brothers and sisters of this Glorious Message! How privileged we are to have our eyes open in this blind Laodicean age! My! How Satan has fought me over every little detail of our precious Message! I thought I had a real revelation of this Message, but I found out Satan can and will get a foothold anywhere and in any way he can.

I have been through some real hard times because I took my eyes off of this Message. But thanks be to my Precious Lord Jesus! He said He won’t lose a 1! I want to encourage anyone who may be under attack that this Message isn’t right, that only some of it is right, or it doesn’t matter. DON’T LISTEN! THAT IS THE HISS OF THE SERPENT!

I want to testify that this Message is the only Truth in this insane age we live in. I just want to thank my Precious Lord Jesus for sending us this Wonderful Message to anchor and expose our cruel adversary in every way! There has literally been hundreds of times (especially in the last few years) that I have wondered what would I do if I didn’t have this Message! I just want to Praise My Wonderful Lord Jesus For This Message! And say I Love You Lord Jesus Christ With ALL My Heart! Thank you Brothers and Sisters for all you do for our Lord Jesus and His Message!

Brother Seth