Letters From Prisoners

Miraculously, the Message of the hour somehow continues to find its way into dark places and into the hands of the predestinated. With your help, we continue to make sure prisoners, such as these brothers, have something that no prison wall can conceal.

The following are a couple letters we recently received telling how the Message continues to make an impact in the prisons.

3 Grace be to you and peace from God the Father and from our Lord Jesus Christ,

Galatians 1:3

I am originally from Cuba and a member of the Assembly of God Pentecostal church. I am currently at a detention center while I conclude my migratory steps. I have been here for 8 months already. I crossed to the US in Laredo, Texas last March 4th. I am trying to get a political asylum visa.

I wanted to write to you to let you know that I read the book “William Branham A Man Sent From God.” God really dealt with me while I read this book. His humility was what really called my attention. His last farewell to his wife, his meeting with an Angel and the wisdom and humility in his prayers. Particularly the time when he prayed for the black blind girl that lost her father. I really liked the book.

Could you send me more books and literature from this servant of God? I am sorry I do not have money to pay for this.

In my own life, I experienced the gift of Divine Healing and I have a burden for the souls. I am a sort of a leader here at the detention center and I preach during the evenings and I teach classes every day at 3:00 p.m.

Please pray for me.

I want to greet you and thank you for the great blessing you sent to me.

Last October 22, I received a package that came at exactly the right time in my life. I asked my friends and my pastor here if they had signed me up at a Biblical School or something. I opened the box and it contained some sermons: A Prisoner, The Greatest Battle Ever Fought, The Perfect Faith, and Works Is Faith Expressed. What wonderful sermons!

They have given me a new hope, and I have a renewed strength in my life. The enemy is certainly mad at me since I took this decision to believe the Lord and His Word. I have declared that I have the healing in my body also. I refuse the diagnosis from the doctors that told me I have cancer, heart trouble, high blood pressure, and hernia. God has the final say on my life.

I trust that my family is waiting for me to see me free and completely healed. I hope to come to the house of the Lord again.

Dear brothers, thank you for all your help, prayers and the time you took for me. I hope I can send an offering to you some day to help in your ministry that help so many of us.

24 The Lord bless thee and keep thee.

25 The Lord make His face shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee.

26 The Lord lift up His countenance upon thee and give thee peace.

Numbers 6:24-26

God bless you always!


I, the above mentioned inmate, hereby need to give thanks to your office for the good work you do for us as prisoners. I would like to inform your office that your books help me a lot. So I would like to ask your office to help me with more books and a Bible, as I have only the New Testament. I sometime miss the chapter as I use an old one’s Bible.

South Africa

I am asking for Spoken Word books of Brother Branham, especially The Greatest Battle Ever Fought, and others if possible. They do revive my spiritual life as a born again Christian.

South Africa

Thank God All Mighty for Brother William Branham because by faith I know he is the 5th spirit of Elijah that the Bible says is coming in the last church age before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord, Malachi 4:5.

South Africa

May God bless you for the love and caring for us, the lost ones. Keep it up with your hard work.

South Africa

My beloved brethren, since the day I received the Spoken Words (books), I have fallen in love with the Word of God, The Message, and the revelation which God gave to Brother Branham. The Word of revelation has quickened my Spirit and the inward man is renewed day by day as Brother Paul testified in 2 Corinthians 4:16. My brethren, I would like to share with you the joy and the revelation which I found when I read the Spoken Words. First of all, know that the Revelation 10:7 Scripture is fulfilled in my heart. I understand and believe that Brother Branham was the prophet (Angel) of this last age… Therefore my brethren, my life has changed by the Word of God and it is the joy and the rejoicing of my soul and I can proudly say that I’m now a Christian (Jeremiah 15:16). Now it is easy for me to read the Word, believing every single word written from Genesis to Revelation, and I try and make sure that when I read the Old Testament, I see Jesus Christ, Hebrew 10:7.

South Africa

My wish and my heart’s desire is that everyone that hear or read the Message of Brother Branham might repent from their unrighteous ways, because the sounding of the last promised prophet has already taken place and the coming of our Lord is at hand.

South Africa

I am truly requesting for a Spoken Word please. I am a baby in Christ and am very eager for God’s Message.

South Africa