By His Stripes

5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

Isaiah 53:5

There is a difference between true Christianity and any other faith. Our religion has a risen Saviour, and by His stripes, we WERE healed. All we need to do is have faith. The Lord Jesus performed a miracle in this sister’s life, and in return, she is telling the world about a wonderful Saviour who lives today.

I'm 24 years old, and I have had extreme back or intervertebral discs pain that would come and go for a long time. But yesterday it was different. The whole day was painful, but from about 6pm it was worse. It hurt when I lie down, it hurt when I was sitting.

During this time, I was visiting my sister and took medicine and a heat treatment, but somehow the pain was still there.

Later, I came home and tried to sleep. I lay in bed for a few minutes on my stomach to sleep. And then I felt so much pain in the back down to my feet that I could not move at all, even breathing was extremely painful. I began to cry and cry, and tried to call the ambulance.

At that moment, my mother came out of the other room and said, let's pray. She began to pray I cried and it hurt more and more. I was on my stomach for the entire time and could not move at all. The thought came that I'll never be able to get up again.

She prayed, and said, “Do not worry, you are healthy and God's Word says through his wounds we are healed, just believe and you will see.”

I was still in pain, and could not move. I took my phone, and a thought came to me to read today's quote on the Lifeline app.

I opened the app and started to read. It was a quote from the sermon 55-0818 "Blind Bartimaeus" and the Lord moved on me. I saw that God speaks to me through the sermon exactly of my situation, and along with the quote, I saw the Bible passage was Isaiah 53:5.

I realized that God has healed me. He knew exactly why He allowed the pain: to show me His love. I thanked Him, I did not deserve it but He was so gracious with me.

After about 3-4 minutes, the pain had completely disappeared. I had no more pain and could totally move and get out of bed. I immediately called the ambulance, and said that I do not need it because I am healed and have no more pain.

For me, it was a supernatural experience with the Lord. I wanted to share this testimony with you, and encourage you that no matter what kind of situation, no matter what comes, it is simply His word that cannot fail

Sister Dusica
