
15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up…

James 5:15

What are we taught to do when every sign points to the worst? All of us know that we are to place whatever crisis the world gives us before the Throne of the Almighty God, and have faith that He is more than able to provide for us.

We received this testimony from a sister who saw prayer move God on the scene for a dying family member and restore him from near death. But she isn’t stopping there, she is believing the same God that brought physical healing in the family, can bring spiritual healing as well.

Dear Saints,

I am sharing this testimony for God's Glory. He deserves all praise and honor.

On Sunday, November 6th, my great nephew, Chris, 36 years old, was in an automobile accident. Chris was traveling on the highway in Houston and rear-ended a stalled 18-wheeler. His car then spun around into the opposite lane and was hit directly by another oncoming 18-wheeler. His car was thrown into the concrete barrier and burst into flames. People stopped and dragged him from the burning vehicle.

He was dead at the scene and was resuscitated twelve minutes later by emergency personnel. His main aorta was ruptured and he was unconscious. Upon arriving at the hospital, he went to emergency surgery to repair the aortic valve. He was then placed on a ventilator for life support and his wife and three little girls were told his chances of survival were minimal. Both his legs and both his arms were broken in multiple places. His right arm was so badly mangled the doctors were suggesting amputation the following day, if he lived through the night.

The next morning, I received an email from my sister-in-law requesting prayer. I called Chris' mother and she was inconsolable. I asked her where Chris stood with Jesus and if she could speak to him. She said he was unconscious still, but she had held his hand to tell him she loved him and his heart rate went up. I explained that I would immediately go to prayer and I asked if she would lay hands on him and pray and ask him to surrender his heart to Jesus. She said she would do that.

After the call, I went before our Lord Jesus and asked to please not allow Satan to take his life as I did not know if he is ready to meet the Lord. I then immediately called the VGR prayer line and asked for prayer concerning Chris.

In less than an hour, I got a call that Chris had awaken! He was breathing on his own, they were removing the tubes, and he had no memory of the accident. In the past week, the doctors have performed seven surgeries on Chris. His right arm and shoulder and both legs have pins in them. He has been able to drink fluids and have some soft foods. The doctors said his heart appears to be healing nicely.

He requires more surgeries and a lot of physical therapy and the doctors said it will be a long road to full recovery. However, they are amazed he is alive and breathing on his own and eating. When I view the picture of his car, I know my Lord Jesus was there with Chris.

I have asked his mother if I could write to him and that I would like to speak with him when time permits. I want to send him a tape of Brother Branham's so he can hear God's Voice. The Lord Jesus Christ answered our prayers so there is a reason that Chris is still living. I don't know what the future holds, but I know that we serve a living God, a mighty God, and He hears our prayers and He answers.

Amazing grace is all I know. If you read this, please pray for Chris and his family for their salvation.

His Angels are indeed encamped about His children. So, when you pray, ONLY BELIEVE.

To God be all the Glory!

Sis Sharon


I believe that prayer changes things. I've seen death be drove back by prayer and life take its place. And if you're eye witnesses of these things, and know what you're talking about, I tell you, it'll make you appreciate prayer. I don't have anything within myself to heal people. I get a lot of criticism by saying that. Said—someone said the other day, said, “Brother Branham, there are ministers all say, ‘Cast out devils,’ and you're always asking Jesus to do it.” Jesus said, “Ask the Father anything in My Name, I'll do it.” I like that. I can't do it, but He can if I'll ask Him. That's my duty. It's our duties to believe this.

57-0610 Faith Once Delivered To The Saints