There are two types of searches found in both The Table Android and Table Web App: the all words search and the exact phrase search.
All Words
All words searches for a quote containing all words that were typed in the search dialog. The words do not have to be found in the same order in the quote as they were entered into the search field, or be contained in the same phrase.
Ex. Lord refuge Finds search hits containing the words Lord and refuge.
Exact Phrase
Exact phrase searches for a specific phrase, finding the search terms exactly as they were entered into the dialog box.
Ex. Searching for the phrase Eternal Life returns 1,671 search hits (finding the exact phrase as typed into the search field).
Advanced Searching With Wildcards
There are three different wildcards which can be used to narrow or expand searches: the asterisk(*), the question mark(?) and the @ sign.
The asterisk(*)
The asterisk(*) may be used to expand your search; it can replace zero, or one, or more characters.
When placed at the end of a root word, it finds the root word, and all words containing the root word, as well.
You can place it before or after or in the middle of a word.
Search Terms
great, greater, greatest, greatly, greatness, greats
ward, backward, downward, forward, inward, toward, reward
abrupt, accept, adopt, apt, attempt
The question mark(?)
The question mark(?) may be used to expand your search; it can replace one character.
Search Terms
graced and graces
man, men
The @ sign
The @ sign may be used to narrow your search to a specific year, month, or range of years.
By default, all searches are throughout the entire Message and Church Age Book (CAB) text to find the search terms you are looking for.
Adding @ can narrow your search to a specific date, year, month, or specifically to the Church Age Book.
Search Terms
@65 love
searches within all of 1965 for the word love
@65-02 divorce
searches within all of February of 1965 for the word divorce
@64 @65 love
searches within all of 1964 and 1965 for the word love
@cab love
searches within the Church Age Book for the word love
@64 @65 @cab love
searches within all of 1964 and 1965 and the Church Age Book for the word love
Use the @ in any searches
You are able to combine these with any search terms in both the "all words" and "exact phrase" searches. However, you should note that when using either @65 or @cab alone in the exact phrase search, a key word must be used as well. You cannot search for the year or within the CAB without doing so.
Combine these search terms with specific words, phrases, or wildcards to yield the results you’re looking for.
You can narrow your search results to find search hits within a specific year or sermon containing the exact phrase Eternal Life:
Search Terms
@65-1212 Eternal Life
Finds 1 hit in the sermon containing this exact phrase.
@63 Eternal Life
Finds 246 hits in 1963 containing the exact phrase.
How many times did he say the exact phrase Eternal Life throughout 1965, December of 1965, or the CAB?
Search Terms
@65 Eternal Life
125 hits
@65-12 Eternal Life
42 hits
@cab Eternal Life
41 hits
By performing an "all words" search, you can find out how many times Brother Branham says the words Eternal and Life in the same record in the year 1965.
Search Terms
@65 Eternal Life
146 hits
You may also combine @ with the wildcards to expand/narrow your search.
Search Terms
@65 last day message*
3 hits
You can also search for a specific paragraph number within a sermon.
Ex. @64-0401 59
CAB Examples
Search Terms
@cab The Smyrnaean
Finds chapter 4 of the CAB, The Smyrnaean Church Age
@cab will of God
Finds 8 hits in the CAB with “will of God” in them
@cab spirit*
Finds 430 hits in the CAB with the words spirit, spirits, spiritual
@cab face?
Finds 6 hits in the CAB with the words faced and faces