The Lord really does care about the little things in our lives, and He showed this to me this past Thanksgiving week. I truly do have so much to be thankful for! I have a six-month-old baby girl named Bethany. She is a very happy, healthy baby, but from the time she was born, she would struggle with stomach trouble, in particular when I would eat dairy. Every time I would eat dairy she would have horrible stomach pain, gas, and diarrhea for a couple of days. We figured this out when she was about a month old and from that time I went off dairy, and that seemed to clear it up unless I would slip up, which unfortunately I did pretty often. And it seemed as if every week the condition was getting worse. At her six-month checkup, I asked her doctor what to expect when she gets old enough to eat real foods. The doctor assured me most babies grow out of this as time goes on and not to worry about it. But as most mothers know, it's hard not to worry about our babies. The next Wednesday night service at the Branham Tabernacle, we listened to the message The Faith of Abraham. At the beginning of the tape, Brother Branham addressed the people in the congregation who were still sick.
For after all the great things that the Lord has done, I still see three wheelchairs setting here and two cots. Now, I don't know, this might be some of their first nights; I don't know. But it shouldn't be that way. They should be well. There's no reason why that one person can come from a wheelchair and the other one set there. That ain't like our heavenly Father to do such things.
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When I heard this quote, I am ashamed to say that I thought poorly of those people he was speaking to. I thought I would be mortified if that was me. Little did I know, He was speaking to me! At the end of the tape, there was a prayer line, and Brother Branham prayed for a woman with stomach trouble.
Do you believe, sister? You believe you can go eat now? Believe your stomach trouble's finished? All right, go ahead. That's right. And God bless you. Amen.
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At that moment I was holding Bethany with my hands around her stomach. Then it struck me; I have been just accepting this condition for my baby and not even asking the Lord for her healing! Brother Branham was speaking to me at the beginning of the tape! I began to pray for the Lord to forgive me for not asking Him to heal my baby at the first sign of trouble. I asked Him to heal her in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I felt such peace come over us. I just knew it was over.
For the next week, the devil battled me hard. I am again ashamed to say I did not eat any dairy. I kept telling myself it's because there was nothing dairy I wanted to eat in the house, but in the back of my mind was worry. Oh, how merciful the Lord is to His children. To think I still didn't have enough faith to accept what He had done! The night before Thanksgiving my family decided to eat some cereal. My husband poured bowls for our two other daughters and then he looked at me and asked me if I wanted one and without even hesitating I said, "Yes." He looked at me a little puzzled and asked if it would hurt Bethany if I had milk, and again without hesitating, I said,"No." I felt my faith rising. And then I felt it on my heart to confess her healing.
A few Sundays before this, Brother Joseph pointed out what Brother Branham said about confessing our healing with our lips. If you speak it and believe it, you will grow more powerful in the Lord and how the devil will flee. Oh, how true that is! So I said,"She is healed." My husband smiled, said, “Amen," and we all ate cereal. As I ate it, I kept proclaiming her healing. Looking at Bethany and telling her, “You ARE healed, Bethany! Jesus HEALED you, Bethany!" And through the night when I would hear her stir, I would keep telling the devil,"She IS healed!" Usually after I would eat dairy, halfway through the night she would wake up screaming in pain. She woke up and fussed a little, and the devil kept trying to tell me she wasn't healed. But I just kept telling him she WAS. And then the sweetest Spirit came down. Bethany opened her eyes, looked directly at me, smiled, and went back to sleep. I just knew that was her receiving her healing! By the next day, we should have started to deal with diarrhea, but nothing. By the grace of God, our baby IS HEALED and has not had ONE stomach issue since!
The Lord is so good to His people. I want to give Him all the praise and honor for what He has done for my family and me. And I am so thankful for this Message to show us how to put our faith into action, and never settle for what the devil throws at us no matter how small it may seem. I also want to thank the Lord for healing me just three days later of my hair loss. Once again it's a small thing. The devil tried telling me it was normal to lose hair after having a baby. But I wanted to keep it because it's my glory and the longest it has ever been. So once again the Lord put it on my heart to proclaim my healing with my lips and testify that the hair loss has stopped. And friends, it did that very night! Praise the Lord He is so good to me! I'm sorry for the lengthiness of this, but I just couldn't leave anything out! I hope this encourages the Bride of Christ.
Lord Bless You,
Sister Hope