An Interview With Rev. Branham Pt.1

We were digging into our archives and found a treasure more valuable than pure gold! The following interview was conducted at Brother Branham’s house in 1951 by one of his campaign managers and a longtime associate minister: Rev. Gordon Lindsay.

An Interview with Rev. Branham

QUESTION: Brother Branham, in the light of recent world events, do you believe that world judgment is at hand?

BROTHER BRANHAM: Yes, I do. I believe that with unsettled peace, wars and rumors of wars, that the time of judgment is close at hand.

QUESTION: Do you have any comment to make on the situation in Korea? Do you think world conditions are going from bad to worse, or do you think that they will clear up, and we will have an era of peace?

BROTHER BRANHAM: I do not believe we will have any real peace any more until Jesus comes. At that time, the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our Lord, and then there will be peace on earth. Until that time, I do not look for any peace, but for times to grow worse and worse.

QUESTION: It is evident that God has used you in an extraordinary way in the initiating of this great world-wide Salvation-Healing Revival. Do you believe that anything greater than we have seen is on the way?

BROTHER BRANHAM: Yes, I do, Brother Lindsay. I believe that greater things are ahead for us. I truly believe that in the light of God's Word, we are near something greater than we have ever seen - a repeat, I would say, of the Apostolic days, as it is written, "When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him." (Isa. 59 :19). The days are getting more wicked, but God's Church is making herself ready.

QUESTION: Do you believe that there is any need for a new religious organization?

BROTHER BRANHAM: No, Brother Lindsay, we have plenty of religious organizations. Some of them are good ones too. I believe that many are based to a great extent upon God's Word. I really don't believe that there will be another successful organization, for I believe that we are living in the end of time. Using Moses of old as a type of the organization which was the Law, we recall that Moses glorified himself before the people, instead of glorifying God, and he wasn't given the privilege of going over into Canaan with the children of Israel. But after Moses came Joshua. He is a type of this great revival that is carrying the Church into the Canaan land experience. Joshua is a type of that which was right with the Church all the time. These things have been with the Church, but not recognized. Moses was taken out of the way, and Joshua took the children of Israel to the Promised Land. Many of the organizations today - I do not say all - have tried to glorify themselves, and see which could get the most members, and criticize one another, and proselyte, etc. Today, God is dealing especially with individuals, calling out from every church, the true in heart, getting them ready to go into the Promised Land, by looking upon the signs and wonders of this latter-day ministry that is going forth now.

QUESTION: This question concerns your ministry: Some have reported that you declared that your power was in your left hand. We have always heard you say that God was the Healer, and that God merely enabled you to detect the nature of disease through your left hand. Is this correct?

BROTHER BRANHAM: I am happy to answer this question for you. Many times, this has been misunderstood, and has caused people to think that there was some kind of magic in my left hand. This is an error - there is no power in any man to heal anybody. Healing was purchased by Christ's death at Calvary, the same as He secured our salvation. The only thing that men can do in the way of Divine healing, is to point people to Christ's work at Calvary, and help them to get faith for what He has already done for us.

When the Angel of the Lord met me, He did not say that I would have power in my left hand to heal people. If you will check my testimony, you will see that He told me that I was to be given a mission to pray for the sick and carry this message to them all over the world. Then when I questioned my ability to do such, after He had told me that I would be praying for kings and statesmen and so forth, He told me that there would be two signs given me to vindicate my ministry, as there were two signs given to Moses. I was to take hold of the person's left hand, and I would be able to tell him what was wrong with him. This has been greatly misunderstood by many people, who supposed that I felt some kind of healing power go through my hands. This is, of course, a great error.

The angel also told me that later it should be given to me to discern the secrets of people's hearts - to tell them what they had done in their life. This is Scriptural, for when Christ was on earth, He perceived the thoughts of people, as was the case when He met Nathaniel and the woman at the well.

We will post the second half of this interview, about the difference between spiritualism and the word of knowledge, the potential to lose your healing, and more, in the days to come.