I Will Never Be The Same

The testimony below from a Canadian sister tells the miraculous story of how the Lord brought her to a Still Waters Camp that changed her life forever. Despite the pain and heartache, she overcame and was victorious through our Lord Jesus Christ.

A few years ago, my mom had registered me for Still Waters Camp. She isn't very fast on a computer, so I ended up being at the bottom of the waiting list. She was determined to get me into camp, so she phoned the Voice of God, but they explained that there is a waiting list and the chances of me getting in were very small, because I was at the bottom of that list. When my mom told me, I went to my room, got on my knees beside my bed, and prayed, “Lord, I can’t go on. I need to go to camp!” My mom was praying for me too.

God heard our prayer that day, and within a short time I received my Still Waters Camp card in the mail. It was a miracle! I don't know how it happened, but God answers prayer!

I went to Indiana early, so I could visit some friends. I was having such a blessed time, when about a week before camp my whole world fell apart. My sweet friend handed me a phone call that would change my life forever. My mother had passed away that night, and my dad asked me to come home. You can only imagine how horrible I felt. Not only was my mom gone, but her deepest desire was that I got to go to camp and get closer to the Lord, something I wanted with all my heart. Before I got on that plane to take me home, my dear sweet friend told me I will receive a plane ticket back so I can go to camp. I could do nothing but weep with humility and thank the Lord.

I don't know why the Lord chose me, but by His mercy I made it back to camp! I will never be the same, my sisters and brothers. He brought me safe this far, and by His grace He will lead me Home.

This I know, GOD answers prayer.

God bless you all!

"Angel's Wings"


Oh, what a dreadful sight it looks. But when you get close to it, it’s Angel’s wings beating together. See, it looks different when you get there. Maybe that’s the way it is with you tonight. You don’t know just why you are sick. You don’t know just why… What about this. But maybe it is a blessing in disguisement. It looks like a gloomy dark end for you, but it may be the Angel wings beating together. If you’re only certain of God, you’re sure that God heals the sick. If you’re sure that God still pours out the Holy Ghost upon His people, then take His promise and hold onto it until God answers, for He sure will answer prayer.

59-0708e Be Certain Of God

Click here to read a recent article on the upcoming Still Waters camps.