While sitting in my office this warm May afternoon, my mind has been
going back to the beginning of this latter rain outpouring. After having
received the Holy Ghost in those early days, there was such a hungering
for more of God that oftentimes we would pray for the Lord to bestow His
gifts upon the church.
All through the years I have often wondered if my life would be spared
to see another great manifestation of God's power. I have read the
biographies of any number of the great men that have been blessed of God
since His earthly visitation, and always it has created a longing in my
heart to be living when the Lord would raise up another outstanding man
who would be able to bring a spiritual uplift to the mass of humanity.
The desire of my heart has been that I might be found consecrated to
such an extent that when this man would step upon the scene I would
recognize him. All through the years I have witnessed many miracles
performed by faith in God. I have attended many of the great revivals,
as well as having been directly connected with them, either in meetings
of my own or associated with some of our brethren. I have witnessed many
miracles in my own ministry, but still my heart has cried out to God for
a greater manifestation of His power.
In the spring of 1946, my good friend and brother, T. Richard Reed,
radio pastor, pastor of Bible Hour Tabernacle, and editor of BIBLE HOUR
ECHOES, telephoned me and then wrote about his being in the midst of an
unusual meeting. He stated that a very humble man by the name of William
Branham was at his Tabernacle praying for the sick, and that miracles
were taking place from day to day.
This news caused me to wonder and I wanted to see it so badly that I
wrote Brother Branham and asked if he would come to Houston. He accepted
the invitation and so last September he spent fifteen days with us at
Houston Gospel Tabernacle. He was here only a few days until I was
thoroughly convinced that the Lord had answered my prayers and permitted
me to live to see His power demonstrated to the people.
Brother Branham stated in a most humble manner that in the month of May,
1945, while in a room alone, he heard a noise which proved to be the
moving of a supernatural being. He stated that this heavenly messenger
told him that he had been sent from God to bestow upon him the gift of
divine healing, and that if he could get the people to believe and would
be sincere in his prayers, no disease would stand before him.
Before you read further, I would suggest that you read the 12th, 13th
and 14th chapters of 1 Corinthians. This perhaps will help you to
understand and believe what I am going to say.
Brother Branham continued with his meeting at our place with marvelous
results. Quite often people were heard to say, "We have longed to see
God's power manifested in this way. Never have we had the opportunity of
seeing it before." We found Brother Branham to be one of the meekest men
that I have ever met. Time and again we have heard the expression, "It
seems that we are in the presence of the Lord Himself when we are in the
presence of Brother Branham."
I soon decided that he was God's man that we had been longing to see and
praying for. We, offered him the pages of the HERALD of TRUTH to tell
about his meetings. He accepted the offer, and so with our October
issue, we began publishing the reports of his great campaigns and
publishing the testimonies of those who have been healed. The news has
covered the world.
From last September on, we have been closely associated with him. I have
been with him in numbers of his campaigns. I have been with him at all
hours of the day and night, so I believe that I am in a position to
speak as one who knows, and I hope, friends, that as you read this
article you will believe me. I know it may sound strange to you unless
you have been one of the many thousands who have attended his meetings.
If you could just arrange to be in one campaign and see how the people
swarm from all parts of the country, the blind, the deaf, the dumb, and
the cripples come begging and trying to get an opportunity many times to
even touch his garment. His heart goes out for them with great
compassion. He stands and prays until seemingly his very life goes out.
Day after day and night after night he has tried to carry on. After the
services he goes home weary and worn, praying and crying for God to help
,the needy. Such compassion.
Friends, with my own eyes I have seen cancers come off the people while
being prayed for. I have seen the crossed eyes made straight. Yes, the
devil rises up against this man of God, but I have seen evil spirits
forced to give way as Bro. Branham would cry out with a loud voice, "I
adjure thee by Jesus Christ, leave the person." Following such a rebuke,
I have seen the blinded eyes open, the deaf made to hear and the dumb to
speak. I have seen those with troubled nerves quieted. Very often there
are those who have been skeptical and even spoken against it, but when
they come in to the services and with their own eyes see what takes
place, they are made to believe. They love him and beg for him to come
to their homes and pray for their loved ones.
On our recent trip to the Pacific Coast, Brother Branham was badly worn.
So many thousands had been attending the services and asking for prayer
that often it was necessary to hold him to help him to stand while he
prayed. Occasionally in the prayer line someone would seem to slip by
without being especially noticed, and quick as a flash, the gift of God
bestowed on him revealed that the person had not been delivered. He,
would call to them to come back, then raise his voice and rebuke the
Friends, many of you who are reading this article will know that what I
am telling you is true. Many of those who are prayed for have been
depending upon medical science to help them. Doctors have done the best
they could and they have been honest to admit that they could not help
but they were able to diagnose the case. As the individual would come to
Brother Branham and would lay their hand upon his, he would tell them
about their trouble. Over and over again it has been just the same as
the doctors had told them.
At the last Houston meeting, a young lady was passing through the line.
He called but she did not hear as she was deaf. He found that she could
read lips, so after looking at her in the eyes, he said, "Sister, you
have a vile habit." She admitted that it was true. Brother Branham asked
her if she would give up the habit if the Lord would heal her. She
nodded her head that she would. Then Brother Branham cried out, "Thou
demon of deafness, leave this woman." Immediately this young woman was
able to hear.
On our western trip, many Spanish people attended the services. Most of
them were Catholics that had been taught to believe. When they saw the
mighty power of God being manifested, they flocked around Brother
Branham. Multiplied hundreds of them came to the meeting trying just to
touch his garments. Many who touched were healed.
In one of the services in Phoenix, Arizona, a number of the Apache
Indians came for prayer. Among them was an aged blind woman, another a
tubercular case and another with a dope habit. This was the first time
for Brother Branham to pray for Indians, and I heard him pray thus,
"God, if you will heal this blind woman, then I will go to the Apache
Reservation to preach to your neglected people." As he prayed for the
tubercular, I heard him scream out, "dying." His hand turned white
immediately, showing that the tubercular germ was dead. Many who read
this article know how the meetings are conducted and how that you are
able to see with your own eyes the effect of the germ diseases upon
Brother Branham's hand. While the germ is living his hand turns very
red- spotted, and then as he rebukes the demon power, the life of the
germ is gone. His hand again turns white.
Just before leaving Oakland, he received a letter from the missionary to
the Apache tribe. The letter stated, "Brother Branham, I heard you
promise God that if He would heal the Indian woman who was blind that
you would return to the reservation. This woman now has her sight, the
one who was a tubercular is now doing all her work, and the woman who
used dope does not use it any more." Oh, friends, that is just one of
the thousands who are testifying to the healing power of God.
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