IT IS HERE - Part 2 By W. E. Kidson

Brother Branham is one of the most cooperative men that I have ever met. He seems to sympathize and believe in medical science and in all the aid that they are able to render to the human race, so naturally he is not against doctors. However, he does believe that God has provided a better way and is able to heal all manner of diseases.

We left Brother Branham at Oakland, and my wife and I returned to our home at Houston. As was his promise, he returned to the Apache Reservation where the Indians gathered in large numbers while he preached from the front porch of the church. The Spanish also attended this meeting. They tell me that the first few Indians to be prayed for seemed to be a little skeptical, but shortly a girl that was deaf came by. As Brother Branham called over her the name of the Lord Jesus, the little girl reached for her ear and began looking around. Brother Branham's interpreter asked her if she could hear, and she called back in her own tongue that she could. The Indians knew the child well. They knew that she was deaf so they began coming from everywhere.

The next was a little cross-eyed boy. Many of you know how Brother Branham's compassion goes out to the children. It was said that as he took the little boy in his arms and looked up toward heaven, asking the Lord to straighten the eyes of this Indian boy, just in a moment the crossed eyes were straightened. The Indians began to rejoice.

The next to come by was an Indian woman who had observed how the Lord was working. She was badly crippled, using crutches to walk. Her faith had mounted up so that by the time she reached Brother Branham, she did not even ask for him to pray; she just handed him the crutches and went walking out of the building rejoicing.

Friends, that gift which we have been praying for is here, and we hope that even as you read this article your faith will be running high. If possible, try to attend some of the meetings which are listed in the paper, and if not, just lay your hands on this paper, asking God to heal you. Remember that He is the same yesterday, and today, and forever.

It Is Here image We are continually receiving word from the different ministers, where campaigns have been held, telling of the marvelous results of the meetings, Brother Bennett, of DeQuincy, Louisiana, now writes: "Brother Kidson, it is impossible to enumerate the many cases of healing which took place during the four nights of Brother Branham's visit with us. I believe the list of those healed will include every known disease and affliction. One remarkable fact is that there were people who attended the services and were healed from various churches.

"We have a revival spirit now which started following the meeting and it appears to be lasting. Men, who seldom ever darkened the church door, were made to believe in the reality of God's power and have been seeking Him. Some have received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Cold and indifferent ones have renewed their vows and to many the Bible is like a new book. Some have come to us from other congregations because of the blessings of God on them during Brother Bran- ham's meeting here.

"Several attempts have been made to preach that healing was of the devil, but it brought such reaction from some of the congregations, members of which were healed, that the voice was silenced. Eyes were opened to the fact that they are blind leaders of the blind. We are now receiving calls to pray for the sick. God is confirming His word. We have a special prayer every Sunday night. The faith of the people to believe in God has been increased.

"A week ago I visited a hospital by request and prayed for a woman of • the Catholic faith, who had been given up to die within two hours because of three internal cancers. God honored our faith and has spared the lady. She now wants to go home and hear more about our Lord. Praise God for His goodness to us.

"We are all anxious for Brother Branham to return to our section. His visitation here was just as effective in the immediate towns as many came to our meeting and were healed."

Brother Ewart writes from California: "I believe that my case is one that Brother Branham described in which the cancer would have to be eliminated through the blood streams. I am still weak but have put on ten pounds, which is very encouraging as medical authorities say one cannot put on weight if he has a cancer."

Brother Edward F. Smith, of Los Angeles, cooperated with us whole-heartedly during the meeting in his section. He writes that one sister reports that she has been healed of a spinal injury, and another one who has cancer states that she is improving, and a revival wave is on. Paul Gregory is in a meeting there and has been since April 17. Six were buried in Jesus' name last evening and two reported as having been filled with the Spirit.

Brother Outlaw writes from Phoenix, Arizona, that they have had a most outstanding revival with Brother G. H. Ellis as the evangelist. Several were filled with the Holy Ghost. The revival wave is still on. He states that testimonies of healings are still coming in, proving that following Brother Branham's meeting good reports continue to come.

Brother T. Richard Reed, pastor of Bible Hour Tabernacle in Jonesboro, Arkansas, writes: "October 6 marked the close of one of the greatest meetings we have ever had in Bible Hour Tabernacle. Words fail me when I try to describe it but will attempt to give a feW of the highlights. There were over two hundred conversions and many filled with the Holy Ghost. People attended these services from twenty states. We believe that estimating it conservatively that over 12,000 people attended the meeting.

"The Lord had so wonderfully blessed Brother Branham in his first meeting in May that many were anxious for his return. The very first night of the meeting, one lady and her two children, who had come all the way from California just for one service, were prayed for. God honored her faith and she was well rewarded for her trust in Him.

"One of the outstanding healings that took place during the meeting was that of a man totally blind, from Kennett, Mo. He was prayed for about 1:00 p.m. and on the way home, while riding in a car, the power of God came upon him, the cane fell from his hands and his eyesight was completely restored. He arrived in Kennett and began to go up one street and down the other testifying of that which God had done for him. I was called long distance by Brother Chas. Davis from Kennett who stated he lived near this man and had known him for years and that he had testified in the Assembly of God Church that morning and was going to the Pentecostal Church that night and teling everyone what had taken place. Oh, friends, it is glorious to know that `Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever.'

"We asked Brother Branham to pray especially for the sick and shut-ins during our two radio programs on Sunday. Hundreds of letters were received from listeners and some came in person to the Tabernacle to witness how God answered prayer for them during the broadcast. Just a few minutes after our morning broadcast, the last Sunday he was with us, a long distance call was received from Paragould, and a lady stated that during the broadcast she did as she was asked to do during a prayer and was instantly healed of a large tumor. Others verified this statement.

"Space will not permit me to mention hundreds of other wonderful healings that took place, such as when he prayed for goiters, deaf and dumb, cancers, tuberculosis, and divers others."

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