We received this testimony from a sister who was in a
commune for 10 years. She starts her testimony after she left the
commune, while she was searching for the Truth.
Dear Believers,
First of all I want to thank you for your prayers. It would be very
long to complete the whole picture following ten years in a commune.
The most important part is even though I found it hard to have faith
in any pastor or church for fear of the flashbacks of mistreatment,
I knew I must return to God, for I had drifted away. I entered into
a personal life of prayer just one on one with Him. I was so empty.
I had been saved in my father's church at age 11. This helped me to
endure many things that were ahead, yet I needed more.
One day as I was praying, I asked God to help me understand why I
felt so empty since He delivered me from the commune. In the still,
small voice He said, "I cannot fill a full vessel." It made sense.
Next I wondered just how long before I could feel the joy of His
great salvation, yet I continued to have a comfortable relationship
with Him without a church, or any spiritual guidance from man.
I met a precious lady along the way with whom I could share the
scriptures, and a person who would pray with me,
and for
me, and soon I realized that she too had a special relationship with
God. The Lord knew my fears of getting involved, so He led me softly
and tenderly by way of this dear lady. She has been a faithful
member of your church for many years. She waited and prayed
patiently, and one day she asked if I would like to hear one of
Brother Branham’s tapes. It was a tape called, "The Token." And
since hearing that first sermon, I knew that he was truly a man of
God. I now feel peace and comfort, and I have every reason to
believe Brother Branham’s messages and the prayers of you dear ones
that soon the emptiness will be filled. My only desire is to be led
by Him to His precious Son and to be a witness to others.
God bless you in the wonderful work that you are spreading
throughout the world.
Sister Pat