We received this letter from man in South Africa
who received a book from a friend. It is said so many times, but one day
that last sheep will come in. We don’t know when that day will be, but we
know it is coming soon. Here is another letter from one of those sheep that
recently came into the fold.
Dear beloved in Christ
I send greetings to you in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. May grace
and peace multiplied be with you.
Praise and honor I give to our Father for His deep Love for all of us. I
thank Him that he gave us His Son and sent us His good and perfect gift
of the Holy Spirit.
I would like to let you know that last year, I read the copy of “As The
Eagle Stirreth Her Nest.” A friend of mine borrowed it to me for a while.
I am grateful for the Word I received from this book. My mind is renewed.
I am changed to another man. Thank you so much for these words of power.
I am a child of God who desires to know more of God. I have passion for
God and his nature.
In the last page of the book, I noticed that you are distributing it free
of charge. As a part and member of the Body of Christ, I request this book
and others available for perfection and to be a blessing to the world. In
you I am blessed, and I will be a blessing to others. May God increase your
work. May your resources be multiplied. Amen.
Yours sincerely in Christ,