I had been praying this morning, kneeling down at a chair near my computer, praying for the Lord
Jesus to please help me and my husband to know what was His perfect Will for our lives, for our future.
In the last few years we have been through so many changes; my husband changed jobs after 20 years.
Our income drastically changed. We have been blessed with two more children when our other two were already
nearly teenagers (and are now-almost like starting a new family). Sickness in our family, which the Lord was
gracious enough to come on the scene and heal. Suicide death of a loved one who never seemed to receive the
Lord (the Token was placed on him and I'm still believing Jesus made a way for him somehow that I know nothing
about). Decrease in fellowship with other believers because our income decreased, and we haven't been able to
afford to drive the long distance that lies between us and other believers. We also started having home tape
services, due to this distance (and the leading of the Lord). Now, even more changes are on the horizon, and
it just seems that I'm feeling scared and nervous about it, not 100% sure where our path will lead.
I decided to come to the computer and see what the Quote of the Day was. Maybe the Lord would have
something for me there. And there was the article right on the top about how the Quote of the Day
is such a blessing. I read the Bible verse of the day. It didn't seem to apply to my situation, so I read the
article and was very touched. Yet still it didn't seem to apply to my situation.
So I pulled up the Quote of the Day. It was from "The Smyrnaen Chruch Age," 60-1206. The quote was
about there not being an eternal hell. While this Quote wasn't about what I am going through, it touched
me so deeply because this is one of the things Brother Branham taught us that stood out to me when I was
first coming into the Message. I remember reading the COD books and coming across this topic. It was something
that made such perfect sense to me. It was one of those times of revelation that made me begin to realize that
this Message was 100% truth and that It was for me.
Every question we have is answered on those tapes. It is our Absolute. Jesus knew before the foundation
of the world every question I would have, and I believe He answered them and stored them up on tape to be
revealed at the right moment. If I only will listen.
Jesus truly is still on the scene, although I don't know where the path is leading for my family and me,
I am trusting the He does and will reveal His perfect will at just the right time so we will know what to do.
We will keep pressing on and waiting on Him.
We love you all. Keep us in your prayers. You are in ours.