South African Prison

The work in the South African prisons continues to grow. Brother Keith Herne, VGR Distributor in Cape Town, makes sure that every request he receives is quickly filled so the prisoner can receive his or her material without delay. He receives hundreds of requests, and he knows that the inmates behind these requests are eagerly awaiting their Message books. The following is a letter from one of these prisoners.

Dear Sir,

I greet you in the marvelous Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Personally you don’t know me, but some time ago I met a fellow brother in Christ who told me very good things about the late Mr. Branham. He also borrowed me two books to read, and what I read greatly edified my spirit. I mean what those books contained were miracles being done in our time, things that a person only normally reads about in the Bible. I believe in miracles, and I believe that all the gifts of God should operate in His church.

Sadly, I’m just one of those weak, stumbling Christians. Nevertheless, I still believe that if I can obtain more knowledge about God, knowledge that would give Godly strength to my faith, then things will start happening. Can you please help me in any way you can?

Also pray for me.

South Africa