Dear Brother Joseph,
After sitting in front of the computer and reading the testimonies of what the checks have done for others, I wanted to share my testimony.
When I received my checkbook I was so excited. I could hardly wait to write out my checks to the Lord. Even though my requests for these things were already before the Lord in prayer, there was just something about writing out that check that solidified my Faith to believe God would answer my prayer. My husband had been an alcoholic for most of his young and adult life. We have been together for about 14 years and those years were very rough.
I wrote my check! Asked God for a complete deliverance for my husband, his salvation, and also to believe this Message.
I sent you a prayer request email around the 16th of May explaining the whole situation and asked for you to take this desperate need before our God. Everything was like it had been planned, and of coarse it was before the foundation of the world.
Just two weeks prior, my husband said he didn't want to hear about this Message or God. He said he had asked God to deliver him before, and He didn’t.
Not only has he been completely delivered from alcohol, but he was baptized on May 23rd!
God is faithful to His Word. I am thankful for it, and I am thankful that God used that checkbook to give me the strength to believe.
The direction our lives were headed was not good, but God changed the coarse of our lives by changing my husband. So I am thankful that you sent those checks to us and know that all the other checks I have written will soon come to pass.
Thank you for all you do,