The Check Has Been Cashed! Part 4

We are overjoyed with the emails that are coming in on the website about the Jesus checkbooks. Please keep sending us your testimonies! Here are a few more checks that have been cashed.

Dear Brother Joseph,

After sitting in front of the computer and reading the testimonies of what the checks have done for others, I wanted to share my testimony.

When I received my checkbook I was so excited. I could hardly wait to write out my checks to the Lord. Even though my requests for these things were already before the Lord in prayer, there was just something about writing out that check that solidified my Faith to believe God would answer my prayer. My husband had been an alcoholic for most of his young and adult life. We have been together for about 14 years and those years were very rough.

I wrote my check! Asked God for a complete deliverance for my husband, his salvation, and also to believe this Message.

I sent you a prayer request email around the 16th of May explaining the whole situation and asked for you to take this desperate need before our God. Everything was like it had been planned, and of coarse it was before the foundation of the world.

Just two weeks prior, my husband said he didn't want to hear about this Message or God. He said he had asked God to deliver him before, and He didn’t.

Not only has he been completely delivered from alcohol, but he was baptized on May 23rd!

God is faithful to His Word. I am thankful for it, and I am thankful that God used that checkbook to give me the strength to believe.

The direction our lives were headed was not good, but God changed the coarse of our lives by changing my husband. So I am thankful that you sent those checks to us and know that all the other checks I have written will soon come to pass.

Thank you for all you do,

Dear Brother Joseph,

I was just reading the testimonies about the blessing the checkbooks have been, and I can agree on that. I want to share that the Voice of God prayer line is also a tremendous blessing. When one of my sisters was 18, it was found that she had an over-active thyroid and her gland needed to be destroyed, and then she'd have to be on replacement medication the rest of her life. Even the doctor was hesitant to schedule the treatment necessary and suggested she come back in a month for retesting. We left a prayer request, and when the retesting was done, the numbers were normal. Since that time, my sister was able to find out what an endocrinologist thought of the two numbers on her tests, and his opinion was that a change like that is impossible, and there must have been a mistake in the first test. What a blessing to know what the power of God can do!

Another time, we were in a situation where I knew we were in danger of a couple of checks bouncing. It was embarrassing to leave a request concerning something like that, but I did and the Lord undertook. The bank mistakenly counted us as having $500 dollars more in our account and did not catch the mistake until my husband had been paid for his next job and deposited the money. Because of that, nothing bounced and our account never showed record of going into the negative either.

God Bless You!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I can’t help this morning but to let you know how I’m bless to go each day on VGR web site and read and see all your devotion for His cause. I can see the leading of the Holy Spirit through everything. It’s always timely and refreshing for every believer that has eyes and ears for this powerful Message of the hour.

We can find encouragement, love, and peace as we realize that we all form a sweet and holy family for Him that we love. We share all the same Absolute and are blessed together.

The website is certainly for us believers a fountain of His love for us, as it is gathering us together with His Word made manifest from all over the world.

Finally, I am blessed also by the check book that I have received from Brother Joseph. As soon as I got it, I went in prayer asking the Lord to inspire my heart to write only deep request that will please Him, and I wrote 16 checks through prayer on my knees. Since those few months, already two are now granted and manifested and a third one is getting slowly manifested by the time I’m writing to you. The same God that answered the 3 first will answer the 13 others, as I have asked until my joy will be perfect according to His Will with the right motive and objective.

Sincerely, I thank the Lord for all of you and all the sacrifices you do in your tremendous respective task for Him.

He cashed our checks! Last year my husband retired from plant work and started running his woodworking shop full-time. We immediately wrote out a check for “work sufficient to meet our bills.” Though he is earning about half what he used to, we have not noticed a change in our way of living. God has supplied every need, ON TIME!

Two or three weeks ago, he began having chest pains. We wrote out a check for “a victorious checkup with no need for medicine.” This morning the doctor called and said the Cardiolite stress test was normal. No need for medicine!

We can't thank Him enough. We have some other checks that we are waiting to clear. “Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus just to take Him at His Word, just to rest upon His promise, just to know Thus Saith the Lord!”

Brother Joseph, thank you so much for the checkbook. There is something about seeing it that makes a difference and then to read all the testimonies builds our faith.

God bless you.

I wanted to share that my check was cashed in full. We were told to expect some ill effects from hurricane Gustav. I wrote on my check, “that hurricane Gustav wouldn't hit us.” In faith I sent my check to Jesus, and He received it. We had no problems whatsoever from Gustav! He is faithful!

Blessings to you all,

Hello, I wanted to tell you about my brother’s son. He is two years old. He got what is called water in his ears, and it could with time cause him to hear badly and it could have impaired his speaking since he is so young. I got a check book sent to my home in Iceland, and I wrote one for him the next time he went to the doctor. The doctor found nothing wrong with him. Then a few weeks later I got the news that he had been diagnosed with big glands. So I wrote another check for him. He went to some tests and the doctors could not find anything wrong with him. So I’m just praising God. Thank you for sending me the check book.

The testimonies about the checks being cashed touched my heart so much.

When I heard the news about Hurricane Gustav and it was to come our way here in Southeast Texas, I got my check book and filled out one for it not to strike us here and sent it to Glory.

Then when I awakened this morning at 5:30 and saw the weather news that we were going to be okay here, I shouted for glee and cried and cried. My check had been cashed.

I prayed and thanked the Lord. I had been telling everyone that I know believers and others also that I had written a check signed by the Lord Jesus Christ and had sent it to Heaven, and I was standing on this promise.

I am praying that that last one will come in soon.

Dear Brothers and Sisters

Greetings in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We would like to share our testimony of what the Lord did for us during Hurricane Ike.

As Hurricane Ike made its way through Texas, it was to push a storm surge of 25 to 30 feet of water into the Houston ship channel. Our town of LaPorte sits on the west side, and our home is at 12 feet above sea level, about two miles from the water.

We wrote out a check that Voice Of God Recordings sent to us and asked the Lord for his will to be done and move the storm to save our home. City officials told all to leave LaPorte, so we packed some things and drove to a city called Deer Park.

The winds of the hurricane above 30 feet were blowing westward, and the winds below 30 feet were blowing eastward. The wind actually blew the storm surge away from our house. We believe the Lord did this to keep the water out of our home.

I can not tell you how it happened, but sitting in a motel room, praying and watching the rain blowing horizontally to the east; we knew this was very odd. The debris line showed that the water had come right to our sidewalk.

Praise the Lord we serve a living God, who saved our humble home.

Thank you for all your prayers.

Your brother and sister in Christ.