I enjoy reading the Message booklets and always try to keep my spiritual eyes on the move of the Lord in this last day and wait for His return for us.
You have no idea how much these sermons by Brother Branham have helped me to understand and grow. The Holy Ghost has revealed Jesus to me by his words, and I’m so thankful for the good work he has done in my life. Although I sit in prison, I am so very free.
I don’t have a church right now because of being locked up, and I want the Voice Of God Recordings to be mine. Thank you all so much for your prayer and helping me along the way.
I have been reading the Spoken Word by William Marrion Branham. They were a wonderful blessing, and inmates such as myself love them. My request to you is, will your facility please send me more of the Spoken Word? And I just want more of this Message.
I pray the Lord has been kind to you and the continued ministry of Brother Branham over the past few years. May His blessing continue to grow, as you help to aid others with the knowledge He gave to William Branham. Thank you.
Pray for me. Oh, the battle in here is great.
I was told by the package room that I could not receive any more tapes at that time, but I thank God that He has removed the problem and made a way for me to receive tapes again.
I love the newsletters that VGR sends showing missions in South America, India, and especially Russia lands. The thought that those poor people who sat in darkness but now see a great Light, even in our day like they did 2000 years ago, blesses my heart. Their hunger for the truth shames me.
I don’t believe I am filled with the Holy Ghost. I want desperately to receive It, but I am lacking something. In his writings, Brother Branham said he sought the Holy Ghost for a couple of months before receiving the desire of his heart. Can you tell me what it takes? I trust 100% in his teachings.
It’s so good to know that we have brothers and sisters in God that are praying for all of us. Though in bonds, we are free by His grace.
In October of 2006, God gave me a dream in which I was told there was going to be a mighty shaking. I told many of the believers here all about it. It was an awesome dream and I felt it was straight from God.
A few days later, something happen on the yard that resulted in me being moved to another Pod. In this new Pod, I was introduced to the Message of Brother Branham! I drank up all I could read and couldn’t get enough.
Then I started writing to you for my own copies of his messages. When I got the copy of “As The Eagle Stirreth Her Nest,” I realized that this true Message from God’s messenger was the mighty shaking that I had dreamed about.
If I hadn’t been moved, I may never have heard about Brother Branham. I thank God that I have now!
We are thankful to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for this golden opportunity to share His Gospel to three more brothers who are hungry for the Life giving Word.
I have read a little about Rev. Branham’s life in a book called “God’s Generals.” I read he was a powerful man of God; that he healed many and that there is a picture of him that was taken where a Halo is on top of his head. I am interested in reading and knowing more about Rev. Branham.
There is still a lot that I didn’t know, and I thought I knew, but was wrong.