A Real Daddy - continued

Brother Nelson’s Testimony

I had read a lot of Gordon Lindsay’s work, but I had never heard of William Branham, A Man Sent From God. The man who gave it to me said that every page he read, he felt that he needed to give me the book. He finally gave it to me during lunch break. It was wrapped in plastic so it would not get dirty. He told me to make sure to keep it clean, because he needed to give it back to the man who gave it to him.

I was searching for the truth. I went to a lot of different churches, and every time, I would ask the pastor which church is the right church. I received the same answer every time: “You have arrived.” They all wanted me to do the same thing. I would put my name on the book and join up with them. After a while, I would not be happy, and I would move on to the next church.

Finally, I had enough. I prayed to the Lord, “I’m too stupid to see who is correct. The people at each church seem to be happy where they are, but I can’t be content at any of these churches. From now on, I’m just going to read Your Bible and pray.” For six months, I stopped visiting churches and was content just reading my Bible and praying.

At GM we had a Christian fellowship. We would talk about the Lord and sing songs. During one of those meetings, my coworker brought me that book. I read it from cover to cover. After I finished reading it, I knew that I needed to be baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ according to Acts 2:38. I saw that there was an address in the back of the book, so I called Voice Of God Recordings in Jeffersonville. A sister named Helen answered the phone, and I almost shouted: “I need to talk to Brother Branham please!” She sweetly told me that Brother Branham had gone to be with the Lord in 1965, but we have his books and tapes with us today. I was very upset that I had missed him. I would have been old enough when he was here to go to his meetings. I still needed to be baptized correctly.

I was baptized several times in several ways, but I hadn’t been baptized correctly yet. I talked with the coworker who loaned me the book and told him that we needed to be baptized properly. He was 100% in agreement, and we made arrangements to go to Jeffersonville to be baptized. He canceled just before we left. He said that after a talk with his pastor, he was not willing to be baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I went without him and was baptized at the Branham Tabernacle according to Acts 2:38. That was 15 years ago, and today I believe every word the prophet said.