Feedback From UK

Almost immediately after we posted the article titled “The Right Book In The Right Hands,” a brother from England posted this feedback on that article. Brother Branham said, “Nothing happens by chance. Everything is ordained of God. No matter what happens, all things are going to work together for good.” These brothers may be separated by thousands of miles, and their testimonies may be from different decades, but they have something amazing in common. The first part of the following testimony will look familiar, because we have already posted it. The second part is the feedback we received from the website.

Dear brother in Christ,

I am happy to write to you in answer to the letter God sent me. Brother, don't be surprised by this introduction, because I was fortunate to find your book entitled "The Anointed Ones At The End-Time." It opened my eyes to understand the Bible with the things that are going on right now in the Christian denominations.

Since I know nothing happens by chance for a child of God, I believe this book with your address came to me in order for me to get in contact with you, because I want to learn more about the true knowledge of Christ.

I want to tell you that I found that book covered with dust and left in a house of our city. Its title attracted my attention, and when I started to read it, I really went from light to light. And when I finished reading it, I wanted to know more, but sadly... Please help me to get deeper.

I'll be waiting for your answer with joy.

In Christ love,
Brother André

This is the same book (The Anointed Ones At The End Time) that brought me into the Message in 1987. I found this abandoned book, and the owner of the house gave it to me. By then I was a staunch Pentecostal follower. For me, Message believers were just fanatics, and Brother Branham was one of them. But whilst reading the book, I immediately started weeping in and out of me, and instantly believed that Brother Branham was a true prophet of God without anyone witnessing to me about the Message, till I met my wife, who took me for the first time to a Message church. I am pressing on up to date by his grace.

A Brother from UK