The Clay

Brother Leron is one of the inmates that drew the beautiful pictures posted a few months ago in the article titled, Time. He is also a gifted poet. The following is one of his poems and his testimony about how the Lord has used him inside the prison walls.


The clay on the wheel of the Potter
Is a muddy, misshapen lump.
It’s been beaten, twisted, and kneaded.
It still is the same muddy clump.
The Potter, with hands strong and knowing
Gently shapes it, smoothes it, and molds
To make it a thing of great beauty,
Or ugly, unfit to behold.

As the Potter is working the clay
Revealing its shape to our eyes,
Becoming a beautiful vessel,
Or something we’re won’t to despise;
As He adds the finishing touches
And completes the shape from His hands,
There still lacks one step to completion
For the clay is soft, though it stands.

Now the Potter lifts the clay vessel
And places it into the fire
For it takes the heat of the furnace
To retain the shape He desired.
So, we, as our Potter has shaped us,
After, must go through the test.
Don’t worry, they will not destroy us.
Instead, they will bring out our best.

By inspiration of my Lord Jesus Christ

Letter and Testimony

God bless you all! I send joyous greetings to you all in the precious Name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Grace, mercy and peace in His Holy Name.

I have been enjoying the books you send to me. I continue to reach out to whosoever will. As the Lord leads me, that is what I do.

Thank you so much for your kind words about my artwork. It is a testimony of how I came to discover that ability. As follows:

I had no idea that I could draw. At 51 years old, I thought I knew pretty much all my abilities. On April 12, 2008, I decided to draw a flower to send home to my wife. I was shocked when it turned out pretty good. I have now been drawing about a year now, and I continue to improve. Now don’t think I am boasting, for I recognize that I have no talent in myself. Brother Branham said if you have a gift, you are born with it.

Ever since I gave my heart to the Lord in 2003, I have tried my best to do His will. He has let me write many songs and poems. I have never tried to sell them, but have used them as witnessing tools, giving them out to try to introduce people to the Message. I believe the Lord has blessed me by letting me discover this drawing ability. Brother Branham and Hoffman’s Head of Christ are my favorite inspiration. The eyes of Brother Branham inspire me so much. I’ll keep working, and I believe the Lord will do the rest. I have never had any art training and never tried to sketch before April 12, 2008.

God bless you again my brothers and sisters.