A Few Cashed Checks
For Dad

Greetings in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I too have a testimony of God's amazing grace and mercy through these wonderful little checks. This testimony is not just my own, it is really one of my five year old daughter’s, but I will tell it for her.

My husband had fallen away from the Lord and was smoking and doing things that sinners do. On Wednesday nights my children and I would go to my dad's for church. Because of the distance to our church, we usually only go on Sundays. So on Wednesday nights my dad would ask if any of us had any prayer requests, and my little girl would always have one for her dad and it was usually about his smoking. This went on for a while and we filled out a check for just that, his smoking, and my daughter signed her name to it. Well, I read some quotes on tearing them out and cashing them in, and not just leaving them in the checkbook. So that is exactly what we did. We tore it out and placed it in her Bible. Then the 2008 church meeting was coming up, and I asked my daughter if I could have her check to take with me. She asked if I was taking it to Jesus, and I said, “Yes in a way I am.” So during the prayer line I took her check, along with some of my own, and I know that they were all answered because about two weeks later my husband attended some meetings, and has been living for the Lord ever since. ALL praise be to God for giving him TOTAL DELIVERANCE from smoking and other things. And mainly for bringing him back into the fold. We all have to have simple FAITH as a child!!! Lord help us all is my prayer. Thank you Brother Joseph for our checkbooks, because we surely do need them all through life's journey.

With Much Love. God Bless you all, richly.

For A Baby

My husband and I had a check clear. We were wanting children right off when we married, but for some reason God wanted us to wait (we've been married over six years). We claimed every verse in the Bible pertaining to children and testified that we'd have children, but many times our faith grew weak, especially mine. The devil would tell me that there must be something I needed to make right, and God would not answer until that was done. He would point out all the times I failed as a wife and say that since I'd gotten upset at my husband then I was being punished with no children. It all sounded so reasonable, it was hard to see past those thoughts sometimes. We went through a prayer line, and that helped to lift my faith higher. Then five months later, the checkbooks came in the mail. As soon as they were out of the envelope, my husband wrote, “Children - thank you.” We signed it and hung it on our fridge. After a while I began carrying it inside my Bible. We are so thankful to God for what He has done. (This sister recently had her baby shower and will soon deliver their first child)

For Healing

We received your check dated March 23, 2009, and it was cashed out March 25, 2009. According to John 14:14, if ye shall ask anything in God’s Name He will do it, and whosoever believeth in Him, it will come to pass. So in the check, we asked first for the salvation of our family, and it was granted on April 9, because there was in our family one who did not yet receive Jesus Christ as her personal Saviour. The request for my daughter-in-law is now fulfilled and given by our Lord. And I asked also a complete healing because I had experienced of different sickness in my body from my eyes, my uric acid was high also. That’s why I suffered pain in my feet, my urinary tract infection and my blood sugar. But I ignored all these sicknesses because I don’t look at the symptoms, but I look the promise of our Lord that we are already healed by his strife 2000 years ago through His Blood, but it was also granted to me because the doctor said that my physical exam was all clear. So we are very thankful to our Lord for hearing our prayer, healing our sickness, as well as the salvation of our family. We hope that God is always with us until the end of the world. May God be with you always and your family...God Bless!